Archive of Institutions

Archive of Institutions

Documentation of operations on the Czech art scene

The AVU Research Centre archive of institutions documents the activities of galleries, associations and individuals with a significant impact on the Czech art scene. It was created in tandem with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database (link na popis projektu) and is expanded in connection with other research projects.

It contains documentation of individual institutions with chronologically ordered textual and visual materials (manifestos, press releases, invitations, leaflets, catalogues, photographs, etc.).

Collecting documentation of Czech art is an ongoing activity. The AVU Research Centre archive contains documentation of galleries and projects that no longer exist (e.g. MXM, the Šternberk Gallery, etc.).

We would be happy to receive any period documents you have in your possession. Please contact us.

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official address:
Primátorská 41, 180 00 Praha 8
gallery address:
2001-2006 Bubenská 3, 170 00 Praha 7 - Holešovice
Termination of activity

Exhibitions / Projects

2006 I Invited Some Friends to Come and Watch; Closely Observed Plans; Harlev, Lise; Tabatabai, Nasrin - Afrassiabi, Babak; Pieroth, Kirsten; Heuck, Farida - Jaekel, Verena; Sievers, Christian; Janfamily
2005 Orgacom; Billing, Johanna - Curral, Allan; Published and Be Damned; Definice; flyingCity; TextGround (Cantor, Mircea; Muresan, Ciprian; Nemes, Ioana; Vanga, Gabriela)Rönicke, Pia; Ringholt, Stuart
2004 Weber, Christoph; Vlahos, Vangelis; Keller, San; Zetterquist, Johan; Milena Dopitová; Czech Made; Powell, David; Knight, Ross; Museum in Progress; Steiner, Rudolf & Meier Cesta, Barbara; The Blue Noses Group; access (Jesper Alvaer; Kusmirowski, Robert; Ondreička, Boris; Little Warsaw)
2003 Rekord; Kluiters, Michiel; Fogarasi, Andreas; Mechanical American (Black, Susan; Altenburger, Stefan; Breuning, Olaf; Moss, Cris); Vladimír Skrepl; Azorro; Ness, Ole Jorgen; Stasiulyté, Laura & Gudaitis, Arunas; Avdey Ter-Oganian; Ondák, Roman & Koller, Július; Berchem, Otto
2002 Dawicki, Oskar; Blažo, Marko - Josef Bolf - Jablońska, Malgorzata - Pavlán, Petr; II. festival komiksu na Vltavské; Ivan Vosecký; Janssen, Saskia (in collaboration with George Korsmit); Jiří Skála; Sosnowska, Monika & Sasnal, Wilhelm; Komoróczky, Tamás; Tomáš Vaněk; Praha XYZ (Gavula, Matej; Ondrušek, Peter; Tittel, Milan)
2001 Dabernig, Josef

Texts / Publications

Own publications:
- Lise Harlev, More His Place Than Mine, Praha 2006
- 1811197604122005, booklet, Plan B, Cluj, Romania
- Display:book 4, flyingCity, Invitation to a Drift, Praha 2005
- Display:book 3, Ciprian Muresan, He Never Knew Who Hit Him, Praha 2005
- Display:book 2, Vangelis Vlahos, Praha 2005
- Display:book 1, Pia Rönicke - Urban Fiction, Praha 2005
- katalog Display book 01/03, Praha 2004

Articles, reviews:
- Ptáček, Jiří, Dvojnásobný Display, in. Umělec 3/03, p.26
- Ivaniškinová, Michaela, Super Stage Saskie Janssen, in. Umělec 2/02, p.60-62
- Šír, Vladan, Rough and ready, in. Umělec 1/02, p.26-27

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