Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Milena Dopitová

Place of birth
Lives and works
Key words
object/installation , photography/digital image , video/film , sculpture

Milena Dopitová is a conceptual artist, dealing with the gender issues as well. Since the beginning of 1990s, the artist has been producing installations in which the themes reflecting on social and body identity are being worked out. She intuitively applies methods of sociological-like research in her works; in the single projects she had been focusing on such phenomena as adolescence, ageing process, death or violence. One can interprete her works as research in the language of art, in its function of defining the position of an individual within the social and biological structures. She was an active member of Pondělí (Monday) art group formed in 1989.

Education / Fellowship

1986-94 AVU, Prague (school of Milan Knížák)
1990 Internationale Sommerakademie, Salzburg, AT
1991 Galerie 68elf, Cologne, DE
1992 Nottingham Polytechnic, Nottingham, UK
1993 Progetto 93, Civitella d´Agliano, IT
1994 The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, USA
1994 The Canberra School of Art, Canberra, AU
1995 The Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh, USA
1996 The Fabric Workshop, Philadelphia, USA
1997 MAK Schindler Residency, Los Angeles, USA
1997 The Sculpture Place, Utica, NY, USA
2002 ISCP, New York, USA


1997 The Pollock-Krasner Foundation Inc., New York
1997 The Central European Culture Initiative Prize, Vienna

Represented by

J. Švestka Gallery, Prague

Group membership

Pondělí (with Pavel Humhal; Petr Lysáček; Petr Zubek; Michal Nesázal; Petr Písařík)

Solo exhibitions

2005 Sixtysomething, J. Švestka Gallery, Prague
2004 Big Wash-Day, Display, Prague
2004 Všechno, co chci, si můžeš přát také, Sokolská 26, Ostrava
2003 Sixtysomething, Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York, USA
2003 Zelené pláně/Green Plateaus, DpzK, Brno
2002 Nechám tě hádat, jestli jsi můj přítel/I´m Gonna Make You Wonder if You Are My Friend, Czech Centre, New York, USA
2001 (with Lukáš Jasanský; Martin Polák), Museum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg, DE
2001 Installations 1992-1999, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, HU
2000 Pojď, ukážu ti cestu rájem/Come, I´ll Show You the Way Through Paradise, J. Švestka Gallery / Foyer of the Czech Parliament, Prague
1999 Instalace 1992-1999, DUMB, Brno / Kunsthalle Krems, AT
1999 J. Švestka Gallery, Prague
1999 Nechám tě hádat, jstli jsi můj přítel/I´m Gonna Make You Wonder if You Are My Friend, Galerie 761, Ostrava
1996 Galerie MXM, Prague
1995 Milena Dopitová, Old Town Hall, GHMP, Prague
1995 Neboj se udělat ten velký krok/Don´t Be Afraid to Take That Big Step, Galerie 86, Trier, DE
1994 You Must Remember This (with David Černý), Ronald Feldman Gallery, New York, USA
1994 (with Pavel Humhal), Leo Model Exhibition House, Jerusalem, IL
1994 Milena Dopitová in Context, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, USA
1993 Galerie MXM, Prague
1992 (with Jiří Kovanda), Galerie MXM, Prague
1991 Objekty a instalace, Městská galerie, Šternberk
1989 (with Petr Zubek), KS ČKD, Praha
1988 (with Pavel Humhal), KS Chronotechna, Šternberk

Group exhibitions

2006 I invited some friends to come and watch, Galerija Nova / Galerija M. Kraljevič, Zagreb, HR
2006 Indikace, Jungmannova ul., Prague
2005 Cultural Domestication / Instinctual Desire, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA
2005 Czech Photography of the 20th Century, GHMP, Prague
2005 Definice, Display, Prague
2005 Prague Biennale 2, Karlin Hall, Prague
2004 EU positive - Kunst aus dem neuen Europa, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, DE
2004 Flipside, Artists Space, New York, USA
2004 Troubled Times, Gruppo 78 I.C.A., Galleria Lepanje Puntin, Trieste, IT
2003 Glamour, Window Gallery, British Council, Prague
2003 Phantom of Desire. Visions of Masochism in Art, Neue Galerie, Graz, AT
2003 Generations, Galerie K&S, Berlin, DE
2003 Aus Liebe. Die Generation der 90er in Prag, Galerie der Stadt Riemscheidt, DE
2002 Imagination – Romanticism, Galway Arts Centre, Galway, IRL
2002 Pondělí – Plenér, Sokolská 26, Ostrava
2002 Corps et traces, Musée de Beaux-Arts de Nancy, FR
2002 Extradiction, Museu de Agua, Lisbon, PT
2002 Politik(um). New Engagement (project of NCSU), Tereziánské křídlo Starého královského paláce, Prague Castle, Prague
2002 Imaginace - Romantismus, DUMB, Brno
2002 Pondělí: Plenér, Galerie Fiducia / Galerie 761 / Sokolská 26, Ostrava
2001 Pondělí - Velká přestávka, Galerie G99, Brno
2001 Extended Transformation, Umjetnicka Galerija, Zagreb, HR
2001 A Sense of Wellbeing, Palác císařských termálních lázní, Karlovy Vary
2001 Imagination - Romanticism, Jena, DE
2001 Objekt - Metamorfózy v čase, ČMVU, Prague
2001 Milano Europa 2000, Triennale di Milano, Milan, IT
2001 Dead, The Roundhouse, London, UK
2001 Extended Transformation, Mestna Galerija Ljubljana, SI
2001 Up in Smoke, Castle Museum and Art Gallery, Nottingham, UK
2000 Tschechische Vogel, Kunst Haus Dresden, Dresden, DE
2000 ArtWORKS, Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK
2000 Girls Show 2000, Art Expo Gallery, Bucharest, RO
2000 E. Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
2000 Human Touch, Západočeská galerie Cheb, Cheb
2000 Confrontation, Czech Centre, London, UK
1999 Girls Show, Galerie MXM, Prague
1999 Transformation II, Venice, IT
1999 Aspekte/Positionen, MUMOK, Vienna, AT / Ludwig Museum, Budapest, HU / Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, ES / John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, UK
1999 L´autre moitié de l´Europe, Galerie nationale du Jeu de Paume, Paris, FR
1998 Interactus 5, Accademia, Rome, IT
1998 Sensibilities (Contemporary Art from Central Europe), European Academy of Art, London, UK
1998 Současné umění. Contemporary Collection - Czech Art in the ´90s, House at the Golden Ring, GHMP, Prague
1997 Born ´68, Czech Centre, Berlin, DE
1997 Art in Public Space, project of SCCA, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1996 Die Urban Legende, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, DE
1996 Preobražaj, Umjetnička galerija Bosne i Hercegovine / Bosnia and Herzegovina Art Gallery, Sarajevo, BiH
1996 Interiér v. Exteriér, Kosmos factory, Bratislava, SK
1995 A New Europe - Supranatural Art, XLVI. biennale, Venice, IT
1995 Artists of Central and Eastern Europe, Mattress Factory, Pittsburgh, USA
1995 After the Velvet Revolution. Contemporary Czech Art, Oulu Art Museum, Oulu, FI
1995 Beyond the Borders, Kwangjou Biennial, Kwangjou, KR
1995 The Image of Europe, Nicosia, Cyprus
1994 Carpenter Center, Boston, USA
1994 After the Spring, Museum of Contemorary Art, Sydney / Canberra / Melbourne, AU
1994 Contemporary Art from the Czech Republic, South London Gallery, London, UK
1994 XXII. biennial, Sao Paulo, BR
1994 Netz Europa, Landesmuseum, Linz, AT
1994 Auszeit, Galerie der Künstler, Munich, DE
1994 I. Biennial of Young Artists Zvon´94, House at the Stone Bell, GHMP, Prague
1993 Aperto, XLV. biennale, Venice, IT
1993 Ženské umění, Old Town Hall, GHMP, Prague
1993 Zweiter Ausgang, Ludwig Forum, Aachen, DE
1993 Situtation Prag, Dialog Zwier Generationen, Kampnagel / Internationale Kulturfabrik, Hamburg, DE
1993 To, co zbývá, Štencův dům, Prague
1993 Post Security, Galerie 5020, Salzburg, AT
1993 Galerie MXM, Letná, Prague
1992 Objekty a inštalácie, Povážská galéria, Žilina, SK
1992 Sirup, Pasinger Fabrik, Munich, DE
1992 Prague - Bratislava. D´une géneration, l´autre, Musée de la ville de Paris, FR
1992 Slovaques et Tcheques, Galerie Maeght, Paris, FR
1992 Mezi Ezopem a Mauglím, V. Špála Gallery , Prague
1992 Frontiera 1/92, Arte Giovane in Europa, Bolzano, IT
1992 Její bratr, jeho manžel, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
1992 9th Sydney Biennial - The Boundary Rider, Sydney, AU
1991 Beitrag zum Glück, Galerie der Künstler, Munich, DE
1991 Nová intimita, ÚLUV, Prague
1991 Pondělí, Galerie M+, Bratislava, SK
1991 Pondělí, G.AKKU, Steyer, AT
1991 AVU Exhibition, U Hybernů, Prague
1991 Aller Art, Galerie 68elf, Cologne, DE
1991 Magická skříňka, Galerie D, Prague
1990 Grand Concours Internationale de Peinture 1990, Musée 2000, LU
1990 Medhermeneutika + Pondělí, Galerie U Řečických, Prague
1990 Old Town Courtyards, Prague
1990 Schlussausstellung Sommerakademie, Salzburg, AT
1989 Podkladek, symposium, Prague - Zličín
1989 Tramvají proti AIDS, Prague
1989 Státní zámek, Třeboň
1989 Konfrontace VIII, Svárov

Texts / Publications

Catalogues, publications:
- Milena Dopitová. Sixtysomething, Galerie Jiří Švestka / Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, Praha 2003 (text Pokorný, Marek)
- Milena Dopitová. Installations 1992-1999, Dům umění města Brna, Brno 1999 (texts Pokorný, Marek; Liška, Pavel)
- Milena Dopitová, Urbane Legenden - Prag, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden 1996
- Milena Dopitová (text Malá, Olga; Ševčíková, Jana), GHMP, Praha 1995

Articles, reviews:
- Milena Dopitová: Sixtysomething, interviewed by Marková, Silvie, Ateliér, č.23/2005, s.7
- interview by Bukovinská, Gabriela, in. Labyrint 15-16/2004, s. 87-88
- Pokorný, Marek, Několik důvodů pro Milenu Dopitovou, in. Detail 8/IV, 1999, p.9
- Lindaurová, Lenka, Milena Dopitová, in. Detail 9-10/I, 1996, s.56
- Ševčíkovi, Jana and Jiří, Milena Dopitová, in. Ateliér 19/1993, p.4
- Váňa, Radek - Mutanti hledají partnera, in. Výtvarné umění 2-3/1993, p.65-69
- Žádné ženské umění neexistuje, enquiry, author Jirousová, Věra, in. Výtvarné umění 1/1993, p.43

record in ArtList database
materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups


Hádej, jestli jsi můj přítel, 1999, čb fotografie - část instalace v Galerii J. Švestka

Hruška orální, anální, poševní, 2002, železná konstrukce, samet (instalace v Galerii J. Švestka)

4 masky, 1992, čb fotografie, cihly

Pro nikoho, 1996, železná konstrukce, guma, fén

Nepočítám se svou proměnou, 1993, železná konstrukce, vlna

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