Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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David Černý

Place of birth
Lives and works
Key words
sculpture , object/installation
Education / Fellowship

1988-96 VŠUP, Prague
1994-95 P.S.1 Artists Residence, New York, USA
1995-96 Whitney Museum Independent Study Program, New York, USA


2000 - J. Chalupecký Award

Represented by

- Museum of Modern Arts, San Diego, USA
- German Embassy, Prague
- Czech Embassy, Washington, D. C., USA
- Museum Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, DE

Solo exhibitions

2002 Chromosome Galerie (with De Luca, Mara), Berlin, DE
2002 Galerie V kapli, Bruntál
2000 New York University, Prague
2000 Babies, Žižkov TV tower, Prague
1999 Czech Centre, London, UK
1993 Umělí, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
1992 Plodnost (with Baňková, Markéta), Klub Rubín, Prague
1991 Průvan, Muzeum moderního umění A. Warhola, Medzilaborce, SK
1991 Malost, Municipal Gallery, Znojmo
1990 Výstava pro nejnižší pudy (with Pospiszyl, Tomáš), Klub Delta, Prague

Group exhibitions

2006 CzechPoint, NoD, Praha
2002 Politik(um), project of FCCA, Prague Castle, Prague
2001 Chromosome Galerie, Berlin, DE
2000 End of the World?, Kinský Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2000 Czech History, Škoda Pavilion, Autostadt Volkswagen, Wolfsburg, DE
2000 Bohemian Birds, Kunsthalle Dresden, DE
2000 J. Chalupecký Award Finalists 2000, rade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2000 After the Wall, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, DE
1999 99 CZ, Václavské nám. 13-15, Prague
1999 After the Wall, Moderna Museet, SE
1998 Ateliér veškerého sochařství, Villa Richter, Prague
1998 Nad možnosti, DUMB, Brno
1997 Joslyn Memorial Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
1997 J. Švestka Gallery, Prague
1997 Art in the Public Space (project of SCCA, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1997 SCCA Kyiv, UA
1997 Czech Centre, Berlin, DE
1996 Whitney Museum Independent Study Program, New York, USA
1996 Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, USA
1996 The Thing Bettwen, Technische Sammlungen Dresden, DE
1996 Object: Video, Landesgalerie Linz, AT
1996 Respekt, Villa Richter, Prague
1995 Orbis Fictus (project of SCCA), Wallenstein Riding Hall, National Gallery, Prague
1995 Artcircolo 95, Mělník Castle, Mělník
1995 P.S.1 94-95 Studio artists, The Clocktower, New York, USA
1995 Beyond Belief, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, USA
1994 600 SIAF, International Art Festival, Seoul, KR
1994 XXII. bienial, Sao Paulo, BR
1994 Impermanent Places, Seven Installations from Prague, The World Financial Center, New York, USA
1994 You Must Remember This, Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York, USA
1994 Junge Tschechische Künstler, Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf, DE
1993 Europe without Walls, City Hall Gallery, Manchester, UK
1992 Edge 92, International Biennal of Visual and Performance Art, Madrid - London
1991 Festival of Light, Pod Stalinem, Prague
1991 Sarkfabrik, Vienna, AT
1990 Česká alternativa, ÚLUV, Prague
1990 Old Town Courtyards, Prague
1989 Úsměv, škleb a grimasa, Palace of Culture, Prague
1989 November 89, Mánes, Prague
1989 Neoúchvatní, underground art show, Prague

Projects / Actions

1998 Tank, umělci sobě, in. Umělec 2/98, p.4
1991 Pink Tank, Prague
1989 Quo vadis, Prague

Own texts

- Den zabíjení, in. Výtvarné umění 2-3/1993, p.58

Texts / Publications

Catalogues, publications:
- David Černý, Promrdané roky - pravdivý příběh / The Fucking Years - A True Story, text Tomáš Pospiszyl, Divus, Praha 2000 biblio »

Articles, reviews:
- Ivan Mečl, Černá svině opět útočí, in. Umělec 2/01, p. 20
- Lenka Lindaurová, David Černý, in. Labyrint 7-8/2000, p. 105-106 biblio »
- Top Czech Artists, in. Umělec 4/00, p. 51
- Tomáš Pospiszyl, Rozhovor s Davidem Černým, in. Výtvarné umění 2-3/1993, p. 51-57 biblio »
- Josef Hlaváček, Umění a násilí, in. Výtvarné umění 2-3/1993, p. 49-50 biblio »


- Labyrint revue 7-8/2000

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