Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Avdey Ter-Oganian

Place of birth
Rostov on Don
Lives and works
Moscow, Prague, Berlin
Key words
action/performance , painting
Education / Fellowship

1978-1981 Rostovskoye khudozhestvennoye uchilishce imeni Grekova, Rostov, RU

Solo exhibitions

2005 Packing Film, Forward! Gallery, Berlin, DE
2004 World Champion. Horst Ehbauer (with Kitup, I. ), Forward! Gallery, Berlin, De
2003 Nenormativnaya zhivopis, Guelman Gallery, Moscow, RU
2003 Exercise. Yves Klein, Display, Prague
1998 Von iz iskusstva, Guelman Gallery, Moscow, RU
1997 Portativny muzey, Museum of Fine Art, Yaroslavl, RU
1997 Portativny muzey, Museum of Fine Art, Krasnoyarsk, RU
1996 Solnce v bokale, Guelman Gallery, Moscow, RU
1993 Flag (project Exchange), Facade of American Embassy, Moscow, RU
1993 Nekotorye problemy restavracii proizvedeniy sovremennogo iskusstva, Trechprudny Lane, Moscow, RU
1992 Natyurmort s podsvechnikom, Guelman Gallery, Moscow, RU

Group exhibitions

2005 1-st Moscow biennale of contemporary art, Moscow, RU
2004 Privatisierungen, Contemporary Art from East Europe, Kunst-Werke, Berlin, DE
2003 FIAC Gelman Gallery, Paris, FR
2002 Sovremennaya russkaya zhivopis, Novy Manezh, Moscow, RU
2002 Ex Patria, Art Car Museum, Houston, USA
2002 Ticho!, Experimental space Výtah, Prague
2002 Vmesto iskusstva, Zverev´s center for contemporary art, Moscow, RU
2001 Kolmo k ose 2, House of Art, Opava
2001 Check In/Check Out, NoD, Prague
2001 Masterskie Art Moskvy, Central House of Artists, Moscow, RU
2000 Le Fou Dedouble, Central House of Artists, Moscow / Central Exhibition Hall, Nizhni Novgorod / Museum of Art, Samara / Museum of Fine Arts, Ekaterinburg, RU / Chateau d`Oiron, Oiron, FR
2001 Russkie chudozhniki Andy Warholu, Guelman Gallery, Moscow, RU
1998 Juny bezbozhnik, ART-Manezh, Manezh, Moscow, RU
1998 Barricada, Action in Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, Moscow, RU
1997 Vodka, Guelman Gallery, Moscow, RU
1997 Otdel noveyshih techenii za pyat let, Russian Museum, Saint-Petersbourg, RU
1997 New Icon, 3rd Biennale of Contemporary Art, Cetinje, Montenegro
1997 Istoriya v litsah, Nizhni Novgorod / Samara / Perm / Novosibirsk / Ekaterinburg / Museum Tsaritsino / Moscow, RU
1997 Moskva-Uryupinsk, Museum of Fine Art, Uryupinsk, RU
1997 Vtoroi moskovsky forum khudozhestvennih initsiativ, Maly Manezh, Moscow, RU
1997 Off-programma, in the framework of the theatre festival Zolotaja maska, Klub Vermel, Čechovskij kuľturnyj centr, Moscow, RU
1996 Onzieme atelier du FRAC des pays de la Loire, Saint-Nazaire, FR
1995 Kunst in verborgenen. Nonkonformisten Russland 1957-1995 Kollekcija sovremennogo iskusstva iz sobranija muzeja Caricyno, Willhelm-Hack Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein / Documenta-Halle, Kassel / Staatliches Lindenau Muzeum, Altenburg, DE
1991 Futuristy vychodjat na Kuzneckij, Kuzneckij most, Moscow, RU
1991 Za abstrakcionizm, Trechprudnyj pereulok, Moscow, RU
1991 Voprosy iskusstva, L-galereja, Moscow, RU
1991 Forma i soderžanie (with Reunov, Konstantin), Trechprudnyj pereulok, Moscow, RU
1991 V subbotnij večer, bývalé Leninovo museum, Lvov, UA
1990 Velikie charodei zhivopisi, Peretsvetov pereulok, Moscow, RU
1990 V ozhidanii otdyha, kulturny centr na Petrovskih liniyah, Moscow, RU
1990 Za kulturny otdyh, Kashirka, Moscow, RU
1989 Italiya imeet formu sapoga, Exhibition Hall of the Assotiation of Artists, Rostov on Don, RU
1989 Vystavka, kotoraya ne schitayetsya potomu chto vse ochen ploho, Yunost Hotel, Moscow, RU
1988 Zhupel, Exhibition Hall of the Assotiation of Artists, Rostov on Don, RU
1988 Provincialny avantgard, public conveniences, Rostov on Don, RU

Texts / Publications

Articles, reviews:
- Osmolovskij, Anatolij, Texty na podporu A. Ter-Oganiana, in. Umělec 4/99, p.9
- Freund, Charles; Volfson, Julia, Duše umělce nejsnadněji podléhá pokušení ďábla. in. Umělec 4/99, p.8

materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups

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