Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Tomáš Vaněk

Place of birth
Lives and works
Key words
action/performance , drawing , painting

Tomáš Vaněk calls his projects according to the functional potential they articulate as „particips“ and „distributs“. The series of „particips“ was launched in 1999, when th first sprayed drawings made by use of stencils were realized in the public place. Vaněk quitted the limited space dedicated to the presentation of art, and entered the environment in which he competes with sprayers, stickers and other visual culture of the city. In the projects called „distributs“, and particularly in the project of neo-samizdat, the artist formulates parallel possibilities of the difusion of information – apart of the standardized and commercionalized structures. Vaněk works with social authenticity, which shifts the art onto the level of immediate communication experiment, in the real conditions of the contemporary. He defines new formats of an art-work, its functions and presentation.

Education / Fellowship

1990-97 AVU, Prague (school of Jiří Sopko; Vladimír Kokolia)
1995 Haus am See, Hannover, DE
1999 Quincerotte, FR
2003 Museumsquartier, Vienna, AT
2004 Delfina Studios / Camden Arts Centre, London, UK
2006 ISCP, New York, USA


2001 - J. Chalupecký Award

Group membership

Bezhlavý jezdec
PAS (Produkce aktivit současnosti)

Solo exhibitions

2006 Particip č. 56 (napojení se na modlitbu Inge Koskové pomocí bílé, 36, Olomouc
2005 Particip 39, Hunt Kastner Artworks, Prague
2005 Dej si ervejs a volně dýchej, A.M.180, Prague
2005 Metoda, Particip No45, etc. gallery, Prague
2005 J. Švestka Gallery, Prague
2004 Camden Arts Centre, London, UK
2002 Škoda není Lada (Particip No18), Display, Prague
2001 Particip No15, Knihovna UPM, Prague
2000 Nápad - šablona - posun- střik, Galerie Na bidýlku, Brno
1999 Monokiny, Galerie Druhá modrá, Brno
1999 Kolonie (with Jan Merta), Galerie Jelení, Prague
1998 Barvy laky, Dům U bílého jednorožce, Galerie Klatovy/Klenová
1998 Lov, Galerie Černý pavouk, Ostrava / Galerie J.J., Chomutov

Group exhibitions

2007 The Collectors: Live Re-Edit, Dům umění města Brna, DpzK, Brno
2006 Auditorium, Stage, Backstage, An Exposure in 32 Acts, projekt tranzit, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, DE
2006 I invited some friends to come and watch, Galerija Nova / Galerija M. Kraljevič, Zagreb, HR
2006 ID - Idealn Identity, Czech Centre, New York, USA
2005 1811197604122005, Plan B, Cluj, RO
2005 Words, University of Essex, Colchester, UK
2005 Prague Biennale 2, Definition of Everyday, Karlin Hall, Prague
2004 Publish, And Be Damned, Cubitt Gallery, London, UK
2004 Like Beads on an Abacus Designed to Calculate Infinity, Rockwell, Dalston Lane, London, UK
2003 Things You Don´t Know, K&S Galerie, Berlin, DE
2002 Z Prahy (with Foltera, Petr; Junková, Ivana; Jan Šerých), La Chaufferie, École des arts décoratifs, Strasbourg, FR
2002 Musée d´art moderne, Saint-Étienne, FR
2002 Fair (Glued Intimacy), project PAS, Royal College of Art, London, UK
2002 Sláva kosmonautů zapadá prachem (with Bezhlavý jezdec), Galerie Šternberk, Šternberk
2001 J. Chalupecký Award Finalists 2001, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2001 Sleva 20%, House of Art České Budějovice
2001 Criss/Cross: Praha, Stuttgart, Wroclaw, project FCCA, Centrum Broumov, Broumov
2001 Možná je to tady, Galerie Sýpka, Vlkov u Brna
2001 Slepená intimita, Galerie Jelení, Prague
2001 Art Moscow (with Bezhlavý jezdec, production Umělec), House of Artists, Moscow, RU
2000 Confrontation, Czech Centre, London, UK
2000 Ženy přicházejí a odcházejí, jenom my spisovatelé sci-fi zůstáváme (with Bezhlavý jezdec), Galerie 761, Ostrava
2000 Hnízda her, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
2000 BJ, (with Bezhlavý jezdec), Galerie Jelení, Prague
2000 Umění na dostřel, Střelecký ostrov, Prague
2000 Chalupáři, Římská 20, Prague
1999 Distant Similarities. Something Better Than Cosmetics, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1999 Maxisklad, Mánes, Prague
1999 Perplex, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
1999 Festival of action art Malamut, Ostrava
1999 Open House (with Bezhlavý jezdec, Kamera skura, Luxsus), FCCA, Čimelice castle
1999 C.R.A.N.E. (with Ján Mančuška), symposium, Quincerote, FR
1999 No Sex until Marriage, project of Umělec, Holečkova street, Prague
1999 Metro, Galerie Černý pavouk, Ostrava
1999 Vidiny, Universal NoD, Prague
1999 2. New Zlín Salon, State Gallerz Zlín, Zlín
1998 Bistro (with Ján Mančuška), in the framework of the show by Vladimír Kokolia , Mánes, Prague
1998 Megavizion, space befor reconstruction, Jungmannova street, Prague
1998 Dole v Bunkru, klub Bunkr, Prague
1997 Art in Public Space, project of SCCA, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1997 AVU Absolvents, Strahov monastery, Prague
1997 Fruits from Prague, Czech Centre, Berlin, DE
1996 BJ (with Bezhlavý jezdec), Galerie AVU, Prague
1995 Doporučené obrazy (výstava ateliéru Vladimíra Kokolii), Galerie Béhémot, Prague
1995 AVU Exhibition, Mánes, Prague
1995 Haus am See Stipendists, Hannover, DE
1994 AVU Exhibition, Galerie výtvarného umění Karlovy Vary
1994 Ateliér Vladimíra Kokolii a Adély Matasové, Old Town Hall, Prague
1994 Letní setkání studentů, Galerie Sýpka, Vlkov u Brna
1993 Draci, výstava studentů ateliéru Vladimíra Kokolii, Dům U bílého jednorožce, Galerie Klatovy/Kenová

Projects / Actions

- Twister, art project, in. Umělec 6/00, p.4-7

Own texts

- The pot, interview with Turner, Jan, in. Umělec 1/03, p.62-65
- Please, follow my journey accross the USA, in. Umělec 4/02, p.21
- Fashion show, in. Umělec 6/00, p.66-67

Texts / Publications

Catalogues, publications:
- Barvy Laky Participy Zamalovávání Vzorník použitých sprejů, Prague 2002
- Particip No18, poster,
Umělec, 1/2002
- Havránek, Vít, Situations, circumstances and particips, in. Umělec 1/02, p. 60-65
- Vzdálené podobnosti (Něco lepšího než kosmetika), Praha 2000
- BJ (text Havránek, Vít), Divus, Prague 1999
- booklet BJ, Galerie AVU, Prague 1996

Articles, reviews:
- interview by Havránek, Vít, in. Labyrint 11-12/2002, p.87-88
- Havránek, Vít, Situace, okolnosti a participy, Umělec 1/02, p.60-65
- Havránek, Vít, Barvy, laky, in. Umělec 3/98, p.23
- Váňa, Radek, T. Vaněk, Barvy laky, in. Detail 3/III, 1998, p.2
- Lindaurová, Lenka, BJ, nové tváře, in. Umělec 2/98, p.16-17

materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups


Particip č. 18. Moje škoda 120. Repro: VVP AVU.

Demonstrace metody "Mysli kulatě, jednej hranatě", kombinovaná technika, 2007. Výstava The Collectors: Live Re-Edit, Dům umění města Brna, DpzK, Brno. Foto: Terezie Nekvindová.

Tomáš Vaněk, Particip č. 4, 1999. Výstava Insiders, Futura, Praha 2005. Foto: archiv VVP AVU.

Particip č.18 (Škoda není Lada), 2001-2002 (spray, automobil)

Particip č.14, 2000 (spray, šablona / Trojský most, Praha)

Particip č.4, 1999 (spray, šablona / projekt pro výstavu Vzdálené podobnosti)

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