Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Ján Mančuška

Place of birth
Place of death
Lives and works
Key words
object/installation , video/film , drawing

The projects of Ján Mančuška can be described as a sort of contextual research in the reality and everyday personal experience. The artist is focused on the processes of perception and interpretation of the factual subjects or events, and its social functions. He employs texts in his works which become independent objects and signs. Mančuška reveals the ways of non-linear reading and narration. He is also extensively focused on the language of film.

Education / Fellowship

1991-98 AVU, Prague
(school of Svobodová, Jitka; Vladimír Kokolia; Vladimír Skrepl)
2000 Rotterdam, Netherlands
2001 Neue Galerie, Graz, Austria
2003 ISCP, New York, USA
2005 Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany

Represented by

Andrew Kreps Gallery, Chelsea, New York, USA

Group membership

Bezhlavý jezdec

Solo exhibitions

2005 The first minute of the rest of a movie..., with Dahlberg, Jonas, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, DE / Kunsthalle St. Gallen, St. Gallen, CH
2005 Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, DE
2005 True Story, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, USA
2004 Marc Foxx, Los Angeles, USA
2004 Read it…, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, USA
2003 Boris Mančuška & Ján Ondreička, Galerie Jelení, FCCA, Prague
2003 Next Year in Marienbad…, (with Markéta Othová), Czech Centre, New York, USA
2003 Konceptual, Galerie Raketa, Ústí nad Labem
2002 Konferenz, Neue Galerie, Graz, AT
2002 (with Jiří Kovanda), Galerie Na bidýlku, Brno
2002 Love (with Ondreička, Boris and Jesper Alvaer), Open Gallery, Bratislava, SK
2002 Praha 13, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
2001 , Galerie MXM, Prague
2001 Nerada chodím na záchod někde jinde než tady, House of Art České Budějovice
2000 Osvobozená domácnost, Galerie Na bidýlku, Brno
2000 Things Around, Galerie Tent, Rotterdam, NL
2000 Galeria Priestor, (with Lányi, Drahuša), Bratislava, SK
2000 Přešlap, ateliér Noon, Prague
1999 Natrvdo, Galerie Titanic, Divadlo hudby, Olomouc
1999 3+1, Galerie Starter & Sorter, Prague
1999 Sám doma, Galerie Černý pavouk, Ostrava
1999 10 cm nad zemí, Galerie Na bidýlku, Brno
1998 BJ display box, Komunardů street, Prague

Group exhibitions

2006 Auditorium, Stage, Backstage, An Exposure in 32 Acts, projekt tranzit, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, DE
2006 This Is Not For You. Sculptures As Tropes of Criticality, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary, Vienna, AT
2006 Acne, Collection of R. Adam, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
2006 I / Performative Ontology, Secession, Vienna, AT
2006 Undo Redo, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, DE
2006 I, Futura, Prague
2006 it is, what is it?, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, USA
2006 On Mice And Men, Berlin Biennial 4, Kunst-Werke, Berlin, DE
2006 Kontakt, tranzit workshops, Bratislava, SK
2006 The Last Generation, Jousse Enterprise, Paris, FR
2005 Labyrinth, David Winton Bell Gallery, Providence, USA
2005 Quadrophony, with Filko, Stano; Ondreička, Boris, 51. Venice biennial, Venice, IT
2005 Wall Pieces, Galerie Jan Mot, Brussels, BE
2005 Narrow Focus, Tranzit Workshops, Bratislava, SK
2005 Gustav Kluge/Jan Mancuska/Clemens von Wedemeyer,
Meyer Riegger Galerie, Karlsruhe, DE
2005 V. Biennial of Young Artists, House at the Stone Bell, GHMP, Prague
2004 Artists in Residence 2001-2004, Neue Galerie, Graz, AT
2004 J. Chalupecký Prize Finalists 2004, DUMB / Moravian Gallery, Brno
2004 Time and Again, Stedelijk Museum CS, Amsterdam, NL
2004 Open, Arcadia University Art Gallery, Pennsylvania, USA
2004 Frieze Art Fair, London, UK
2004 Neutral, Motorenhalle, Dresden, DE
2004 The Ten Commandements, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden, DE
2004 Like Beads on an Abacus Designed to Calculate Infinity, Rockwell, Dalston Lane, London, UK
2004 Passage d´Europe, Musée d´art moderne, St-Etienne, FR
2004 Observatory, Palais des Arts, Dresden, DE
2004 Hot Destination. Marginal Destiny, DUMB, Brno
2003 J. Chalupecký Prize Finalists 2003, Futura, Prague
2003 Things You Don´t Know, Galerie K&S, Berlin, DE
2003 Prague Biennale 1, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2003 Balkan Konsulat: Prag, Rotor, Graz, AT
2002 Artchitektura, J. Frágner Gallery, Prague
2002 Centre of Attraction, 8th Baltic Triennial of International Art, CAC, Vilnius, LT
2002 Manifesta 4, Frankfurt am Main, DE
2002 Pass Me the Butterfly, D.U.M.B.O. Arts Centre (dac), New York, USA
2002 Kunstverein Stuttgart (with Josef Bolf ), Wechselstube project, Stuttgart, DE
2002 Musée d´art moderne, Saint-Étienne, FR
2002 Sláva kosmonautů zapadá prachem (Bezhlavý jezdec group exhibition), Galerie Šternberk, Šternberk
2002 IV. Biennial of Young Artists Zvon 2002, House at the Stone Bell, GHMP, Prague
2002 Fair (Glued Intimacy), project of PAS, Royal College of Art, London, UK
2001 Babylon Times, Galerie 4, Cheb
2001 Akční Praha, Universal NoD, Prague
2001 Art Moscow (with Bezhlavý jezdec, project of Umělec), House of Artists, Moscow, RU
2001 Criss/Cross: Praha, Stuttgart, Wroclaw, project of FCCA, Centrum Broumov, Broumov
2001 Glued Intimacy, Galerie Jelení, FCCA, Prague
2001 Laboratory of Contemporary Tendencies, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2001 ÜberlebensKunst, Kulmbach, DE
2001 Ženy přicházejí a odcházejí, jenom my spisovatelé sci-fi zůstáváme (with Bezhlavý jezdec), Galerie 761, Ostrava
2000 ÜberlebensKunst, Neue Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, DE
2000 II. Zlín Salon of the Young, State Gallery Zlín, Zlín
2000 Klasika 2000, Muzeum umění Olomouc
2000 BJ (with Bezhlavý jezdec), Galerie Jelení, FCCA, Prague
2000 Hnízda her, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
1999 Vzdálené podobnosti. Něco lepšího než kosmetika, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1999 Open House (with Bezhlavý jezdec, Kamera skura, Luxsus), FCCA, Čimelice castle
1999 Maxisklad, Mánes, Prague
1999 Perplex, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
1999 Metro, Galerie Černý pavouk, Ostrava
1998 City, Bořivojova 26, Prague
1998 Dole v Bunkru, Klub Bunkr, Prague
1998 Bistro, in the framework of exhibition of Vladimír Kokolia, Mánes, Prague
1997 S...S..., exhibition of the school of Vladimír Skrepl, Petrské náměstí 3, Prague
1997 Art in Public Space, project of SCCA, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1997 DUM, Bořïvojova 26, Prague
1996 Bezhlavý jezdec, Galerie AVU, Prague
1996 Doporučené obrazy, exhibition of the school of Vladimír Kokolia, Galerie Béhémot, Prague

Projects / Actions

- Vide, with Zbyněk Baladrán, videodocumentary on continuity/discontinuity of Czech art, 2003

Curatorial projects

2006 ID - Ideal Identity, Czech Centre, New York, USA
2005 Definitions of Everyday, Prague Biennale 2, Karlín Hall, Prague

Texts / Publications

Catalogues, publications:
- U Ján Mančuška Umělci, Divus, Praha 2003
- M Ján Mančuška Já, Divus, Praha 2002
- Manifesta 4, Frankfurt am Main 2002
- IV. Bienále mladých Zvon 2002, GHMP, Praha 2002
- Vzdálené podobnosti (Něco lepšího než kosmetika), Praha 2000
- BJ (text Havránek, Vít), Divus, Praha 1999
- (booklet) BJ, Galerie AVU, 1996

Articles, reviews:
- Chu, Ingrid, Read It / Čti to, in. Umělec 1/04, p.86-87
- Pospiszyl, Tomáš, Ján Mančuška: Od věcí k jejich významu, in. Umělec 1/04, p.84-85
- O hledání vzorců a funkce myšlení aneb Od sunaru až na konec světa, rozhovor vedla Pachmanová, Martina, in. Labyrint 11-12/2003, p.105-107
- Where have all the critics gone?, interview by Kulhánek, David, in. Umělec 1/02, p.14-19
- Havránek, Vít, Kutilství na vzestupu, in. Umělec 1/01, p.91
- Současní umělci se nevymezují generačně, in. Umělec 4/99, p.30-31
- Lindaurová, Lenka, Pohled vzhůru, in. Umělec 2/99, p.24
- Lindaurová, Lenka, BJ, nové tváře, in. Umělec 2/98, p.16-17

record in ArtList database
record in Mediabáze database
materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups


Ján Mančuška, Toto není umění, 18. 2. 2003, performance, videoprojekce, CO14. Foto: Rafani.

Pohled do výstavy Insiders, Futura, Praha 2005. Foto: archiv VVP AVU.

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