Archive of Institutions

Archive of Institutions

Documentation of operations on the Czech art scene

The AVU Research Centre archive of institutions documents the activities of galleries, associations and individuals with a significant impact on the Czech art scene. It was created in tandem with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database (link na popis projektu) and is expanded in connection with other research projects.

It contains documentation of individual institutions with chronologically ordered textual and visual materials (manifestos, press releases, invitations, leaflets, catalogues, photographs, etc.).

Collecting documentation of Czech art is an ongoing activity. The AVU Research Centre archive contains documentation of galleries and projects that no longer exist (e.g. MXM, the Šternberk Gallery, etc.).

We would be happy to receive any period documents you have in your possession. Please contact us.

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The Moravian Gallery

Husova 18
662 26 Brno
- Pražákův palác (Pražák Palace)
Husova 18, Brno
- Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum
(Museum of Applied Arts)
Husova 14, Brno
- Místodržitelský palác (Governor ´s Palace)
Moravské náměstí 1a
- Rodný dům Josefa Hoffmanna
(Josef Hoffmann Native House)
nám. Svobody 263, Brtnice
- Jurkovičova vila (The Jurkovič Villa)
Jana Nečase 2, Brno


tel.: +420 532 169 131

wed-sun 10 a. m. - 6 p. m.
thu 10 a. m. - 7. p. m.

Exhibitions / Projects


Pražákův palác, Atrium. Výstava Kateřiny Šedé, 2007. Foto: Terezie Nekvindová

Pražákův palác, Prostor pro jedno dílo. Výstava Tomáše Vaňka, 2007. Foto: Terezie Nekvindová

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VVP AVU 2025