Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Veronika Bromová

Place of birth
AVU member
Lives and works
Key words
photography , video/film , object/installation
Education / Fellowship

1987-93 VŠUP, Prague (studio Šalamoun, Jiří)

Solo exhibitions

2004 Moje soubory/My Files, Futura, Prague
2003 Autobiograf, Kunsthalle Krems - Factory, Krems, AT
2002 Efekt Defekt, Czech Centre, Berlin, DE / Galerie Béhémot, Prague
2002 Spolu, with Martin Mainer, Galerie Kraus Erben, Dresden, DE
2001 Efekt Defekt, Galerie Feichtner Mizrahi, Vienna, AT
2001 Kousky mé, kousky NYC, Moravian Gallery, Brno
2000 Kousky mé, kousky NYC, New York University, Prague
2000 Místa na zemi, V. Špála Gallery, Prague / Sokolská 26, Ostrava
1999 Kousky mé, kousky NYC, Galerie Černý pavouk, Ostrava
1999 Zem Zoo, Czechoslovak Pavilion, 48th biennial, Venice, IT / Galerie Jáma 10, Ostrava
1998 Zem Zoo, Nová síň, Prague
1998 Různé, Muzeum a galerie, Polička
1998 Kráska a zvíře, Galerie V kapli, Bruntál
1997 Veronika Bromová - fotografie, Galerie 4, Cheb
1997 Na hraně obzoru, Old Town Hall, GHMP, Prague
1996 Róza extáze, Galerie Velryba, Prague
1996 Out of Photo, Mala stanica, SCCA, Skopje, MK
1996 Milenci, with Kateřina Vincourová; Markéta Othová, Galerie JNJ, Prague
1996 in the framework of the Month of Photography Měsíce, Michalský dvůr, Bratislava, SK
1993 Dokola (with Markéta Othová), Galerie Radost, Prague
1991 Tajné fotoalbum, Supraclub, Prague

Group exhibitions

2003 Absolut Generations, Palazzo Zenobio, Venice, IT
2003 Survey 03, Futura, Prague
2003 Click, Muzeum a galerie, Polička
2003 Weak and Agressive, Zverev Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow, RU
2003 Recently Developed, Galerie Feichtner Mizrahi, Vienna, AT
2003 Mais quelle tete tu fais!, Galerie le Garage, Toulouse, FR
2002 Corps et traces, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nancy, FR
2002 Inside Out, Bunker, Berlin, DE
2002 Girls Ride, Tivoli Palace, Ljubljana, SI
2001 Fotok, MEO, Budapest, HU
2001 To Flow To, Galerie Chromosome, Berlin, DE
2001 Anteprima Bovisa - Milano Europa 2000, Triennale Palace, Milan, IT
2001 ARCO 01, with Galerie Feichtner Mizrahi, Juan Carlos Parc, Madrid, ES
2001 No Flash, SCCA, Kyiv, UA
2001 Nude in Czech Photography, Museum of Art Olomouc
2000 J. Chalupecký Award Finalists 2001, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2000 Transglobe, Mánes, Prague
2000 Jeux d´amour, Wigmore Fine Art, Battersea Park, London, UK
2000 Der anagrammatische Körper, ZKM, Karlsruhe, DE
2000 End of the World?, Kinský Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2000 Girls Show, E. Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem / National Gallery, Bucharest, RO
2000 with Galerie Feichtner Mizrahi, Artforum Berlin, Berlin, DE
2000 Actual Infinity, GHMP, Prague
2000 Story, NoD, Prague
2000 Nude in the Czech Photograophy, Imperial Stables, Prague
2000 Bohemian Birds, Kunsthaus, Dresden, DE
2000 After the Wall, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, DE
1999 After the Wall, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, SE
1999 Dusk, Centre for Contemporary Art, Seattle, USA
1999 99 CZ, Václavské nám. 13-15, Prague
1999 Der anagrammatische Körper, Kunsthaus Muerz, Graz, AT
1999 Love and Desire, Galerie Photology, Milan, IT
1999 Without the Wall, annual exhibition of SCCA, Sankt Petersburg, RU
1999 Things Going Smoothly, Trafó, Budapest, HU
1999 Rondo, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, HU
1998 Close Echoes, Municipal Library, GHMP, Prague
1998 Body as Evidence, Museum of Art Olomouc
1998 Art in the World ´98, Passage de Retz, Paris, FR
1998 Vivinuto, Czech Centre, Berlin, DE
1998 Fiction Intimée, Fundacion J. Miró, Barcelona, ES / Centre G. Pompidou, Espace Electra, Paris, FR
1998 Současné umění. Contemporary Collection - Czech Art in the ´90s, House at teh Golden Ring, GHMP, Prague
1997 Jistoty a hledání v české fotografii, DUMB, Brno
1997 J. Chalupeckého Award Finalists 1997, Prague Castle, Prague
1997 Angel, Angel, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
1997 Symptomy: Hi-Tech/Umění, DUMB, Brno
1997 Introspekce, Pražák Palace, Moravian Gallery, Brno
1997 Paralelles Paris - Prague, Czech Centre, Paris, FR
1996 Urban Legenden: Prag, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, DE
1996 Mrkačka (with Mašín, Tomáš), Galerie MXM, Prague
1996 Milenci, Galerie JNJ, Prague
1996 Out of Photo 1 (with Milena Dopitová), Mala stanica, Skopje, MK
1996 Jistoty a hledání v české fotografii, Prague Castle, Prague
1996 Interiér vs. Exteriér, Kosmos factory, Bratislava, SK
1996 I. Zlín Salon of Art, State Gallery Zlín
1996 Orbis Fictus Extractus, Museum a galerie, Polička
1995 Orbis Fictus, project of SCCA, Wallenstein Riding Hall, National Gallery, Prague
1995 Bazar Divus, Libeňský ostrov, Prague
1995 Hranice fotografie, PHP, Prague
1995 Zkušební provoz, Mánes, Prague
1995 Čistý zisk, Galerie MXM, Prague
1995 Biennial of Young Art, Galéria J. Koniarika, Trnava, SK
1994 I. Biennial of Young Art Zvon´94, House at the Stone Bell, GHMP, Prague
1994 Náhubek, J. Fragner Gallery, Prague
1994 Ženské domovy, Štencův dům, Prague
1994 Předpoklady skutečnosti, Municipal House, Prague
1993 Eurotica ´93, Melkweg Gallery, Amsterdam, NL
1993 Bílý Reichenstein, Galerie Béhémot, Prague
1993 Nová jména, PHP, Prague
1992 Její bratr, jeho manžel, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
1992 Ženské domovy, PKC Ženské domovy, Prague
1992 Kolumbovo vejce, Galerie Béhémot, Prague
1991 Fotografická výstava, Galerie Modes Robes, Prague

Own texts

- N.Y., in. Umělec 5/97, s.4

Curatorial projects

2002-2004 co-founded and co-organized the program at HomeGallery, with Drahotová, Veronika

Pedagogical activity

since 2002 AVU, Prague, Department of New Media II,

Texts / Publications

Catalogues, publications:

Articles, reviews:
- interview by Císař, Karel, in. Labyrint 7-8/2000, p.87-88
- Hush, Jeff, The earth is my country, in. Umělec 2/00, p.78-79
- Havránek, Vít, Vydráždění emocí, in. Umělec 1/99, p.23
- Pokorný, Marek - Určitě to byla nejlepší..., in. Detail 10/III, 1998, p.15
- Pospiszyl, Tomáš - Urban, Otto. M., Karel Hlaváček na konci tohoto století, in. Umělec 4/98, p.18


- Labyrint 7-8/2000

record in ArtList database
materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups

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