Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Tomáš Hlavina

Place of birth
Lives and works
Key words
Education / Fellowship

2006 Santa Fe Art Institute, USA
2004 MacDowell Colony, USA
2003 Künstlerhäuser Worpswede, DE
2002 Vermont Studio Centre, USA
2001 Sculpture Space Utica, USA
1999 - 2000 Internationales Künstlerhaus Villa Concordia, Bamberg, DE
1997 Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant
1989 Academy of Fine Arts, Tbilisi, Georgia
1986 - 1992 AVU (Milan Knížák)

Solo exhibitions

2007 (with Jan Stoss), Veletržní palác, Národní galerie, Prague
2007 Tools, Galerie Die aktualität des Schönen, Liberec
2007 Galerie Na bidýlku, Brno
2006 Tools, etc. galerie, Prague
2005 East Bohemian Gallery, Pardubice
2004 Metaphors, Galerie V kapli, Bruntál / Galerie Ad Astra, Kuřim
2002 Kolotoč, House of Art České Budějovice
2000 Fyzika, Galerie MXM, Prague / Dům umění Ostrava
2000 Kniha, Prostor pro jedno dílo, Moravian Gallery, Brno
1996 Atlas, Galerie MXM, Prague
1995 (with Jitka Anlaufová), Galerie Zámeček, Příbram
1994 (with Petr Lysáček; Petr Písařík), Galerie Sovinec, Sovinec
1993 Model pro systém otázek o islámských kobercích, Galerie MXM, Prague

Group exhibitions

2005 Definice, Display, Prague
2005 Prague Biennale 2, Karlin Hall, Prague
2004 Passage d´Europe, Musée d´art moderne, St-Etiénne, FR
2004 Hot Destination. Marginal Destiny, DUMB, Brno
2004 Palais des arts, Palais am Grossen Garten, Dresden, DE
2003 Night of 1,000 Drawings, Artists Space, New York, USA
2003 The Youngest, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2003 Retroperspektiva, DpzK, Brno
2003 Gurke auf Englisch, Barkenhoff, Worpswede, DE
2002 BorderLife, Artbase Die Halle, Breitenfurt / Rhizom, Graz, AT
2002 AVA Gallery, Cape Town, SA
2001 permanent collectin, MUMOK, Vienna, AT
2001 J. Chalupecký Award Finalists 2001, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2001 Objekt/objekt, ČMVU, Praha
2001 Model Fictions, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
2000 J. Chalupecký Award Finalists 2000, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2000 Überlebenskunst, Neue Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, DE
1999 Aspekte/Positionen, MUMOK, Vienna, AT / Ludwig Museum, Budapest, HU / Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, ES / John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, UK
1999 J. Chalupecký Award Finalists 1999, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1999 Bratr bratra, Muzeum V. Löfflera, Košice, SK
1999 II. New Zlín Salon, Zlín
1999 Perplex, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
1999 Czech Art in the ´90s, Czech Centre, New York, USA
1998 Liste´98, Basel, CH
1998 Snížený rozpočet, Mánes, Prague
1997 Quiet Messages, Budapest Galéria, Budapest, HU
1996 Proposte scambio, Galleria di San Filippo, Torino, IT
1996 I. New Zlín Salon, Zlín
1995 Zkušební provoz, Mánes, Prague
1995 Kosmos Topos, Galerie Malostranská beseda, Prague / Dům U Rytířů, Litomyšl / Palazzo reale, Caserta, IT
1994 I. biennial of Young Art Zvon´94, House at the Stone Bell, GHMP, Prague
1994 Jinde a v čase, Museum of Art, Náchod
1993 To, co zbývá, Štenc House, Prague
1992 Objekty a inštalácie, Povážská galéria, Žilina, SK

Own texts

- Sluneční hodiny, in. Objekty a inštalácie, katalog výstavy, 1992 / Výtvarné umění 4/1993, p.60

Texts / Publications

Articles, reviews:
- Dostál, Martin - Estetická mystéria Tomáše Hlaviny, in. Výtvarné umění 4/1993, p.58-61
- Váňa, Radek - Mutanti hledají partnera, in. Výtvarné umění 2-3/1993, p.65-69
- interview, Čtyři otázky mladým, in. Výtvarné umění 1/1992, p.57-58

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materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups

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