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All items at the section videoarchive VVP AVU

931 - 945 (1171) |< < 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 > >|
authortitle dateseřadit sestupně
Barbora Švarcová Psycho-analysis 2009
Pavel Švec In a nutshell 2008
Pavel Švec Life on other planets 2006
Pavel Švec Contemplation with Stephen Hawking 2005
Pavel Švec House of Art 2011
Jan Tabor Jak nevystavovat architekturu 19.3.2014
Viktor Takáč Situation no.1 2010
Avdei Ter-Oganian Barricade

A Collective Work of Artists and Political Activists
Avdej Ter-Oganian School of Performance 1997
Avdei Ter-Oganian World Champion Horst Ehbauer

Ready Made Performance
Avdei Ter-Oganian School of Contemporary Art

Licking Ass of Famous Artists and Curators (A. Osmolovskij)
Avdei Ter-Oganian Wedding. Stephanuskirche. 24. 05. 2005 01:31 - 01:59 2000
Avdei Ter-Oganian Barricade

used material from NTV news
David Ter-Oganyan Vitrína 2003
Avdey Ter-Oganyan Ehbauer

Horst Ehbauer ready made performance
VVP AVU 2024