Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Tomáš Svoboda

Place of birth
Lives and works
Key words
object/installation , action/performance , painting
Education / Fellowship

1996-2003 AVU, Prague (Jiří Sopko; Vladimír Skrepl)
1999 Staatliche Akademie der bildenden Künste, Karlsruhe, DE
2002 Bern, CH

Solo exhibitions

2006 Déjá vu, G99, Brno
2005 Srdečné blahopřání, etc. gallery, Prague
2005 Výstava, Galerie Doubner, Prague
2005 Privat, A.M.180, Prague
2003 Létá jako Superman, Galerie 761, Ostrava
2003 Metro, Telč
2001 No Exit, Galerie Jelení, Prague / Galerie Černý pavouk, Ostrava / Kunstverein Stuttgart e.V. 22, Stuttgart, DE
2000 On the Road, Galerie Na bidýlku, Brno
1998 Galerie Starter & Sorter, Prague

Group exhibitions

2006 J. Chalupecký Award Finalists 2006, DUMB, Brno
2006 I invited some friends to come and watch, Galerija Nova / Galerija M. Kraljevič, Zagreb, HR
2006 Indikace, Jungmannova ul., Prague
2006 Odlet, Low Cost Generation, Czech cenres headquarter, Prague
2006 Věcné stavy, Karlín Studios, Prague
2006 Office Art, C2C, Prague
2006 In the Neighbourhood, De Veemvloer / Artwalk, Amsterdam, NL
2005 1811197604122005, Plan B, Cluj, RO
2005 Inspace, Galerie kritiků, Prguea
2004 Space Camp, Kolowrat Palace, Prague
2004 Breakthrough, Grote kerk, Den Haag, NL
2003 III. Zlín Salon ofthe Young, State Gallery Zlín, Zlín
2003 Svět jako struktura, struktura jako obraz, Galerie Klatovy/Klenová
2003 Diplomanti AVU, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2002 (with Jan Kotík), Galerie Oberwelt, in the framework of Wechselstube, Stuttgart, DE
2002 IV. Biennial of the Young Zvon 2002, House t the Stone Bell, GHMP, Prague
2002 Jo-jo efekt, AJG, České
2002 Ar(t)chitektura, J. Frágner Gallery, Prague
2001 Má vlast, Galerie VŠUP, Prague
2001 Criss/Cross: Praha. Stuttgart, Wroclaw, project of FCCA, Centrum Broumov, Broumov
2001 I. festival of Comics in Jeleni, project of Divus, Galerie Jelení, Prague
2000 Zdroje nového stylu, Prague Castle Riding Hall, Prague
2000 Současná minulost, AJG, Hluboká nad Vltavou
2000 AVU 1998-2000, Mánes, Prague
1999 Vidiny, Universal NoD, Prague
1999 Close Encounters, Czech Cultural Centre, Naarden, NL
1999 Metro, Galerie Černý pavouk, Ostrava
1999 Cargo, Dresden, DE
1999 Kunstakademie aus Prag, Galerie M, Berlin, DE
1999 Šest, Galerie U kamene, Cheb
1999 Stipendianten, Akademie der bildende Künste, Stuttgart, DE
1998 Dole v Bunkru, Klub Bunkr, Prague
1997 AVU´97, Mánes, Prague
1997 Fórum 2000, Archa Theatre, Prague

Curatorial projects

co-founder and co-organizer of Display - space for contemporary art, since 2001

Texts / Publications

Catalogues, publications:
- Tomáš Svoboda, self-published, Praha 2005
- Paspress No.5, Praha 2005

Articles, reviews:
- Lindaurová, Lenka, Tomáš Svoboda, in. Umělec 5-6/99, p.28
- Váňa, Radek - Svoboda versus masy, in. Detail 10/III, 1998, p.3

record in ArtList database
materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups

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