Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Petr Pavlík

Place of birth
Lives and works
London, UK
Key words
object/installation , video/film
Education / Fellowship

1993-99 AVU, Prague
1996 Akademie der Bildende Künste, Karlsruhe, DE
1998-99 Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, UK

Solo exhibitions

2007 Slepá ulička - Dead End, A.M.180, Prague
2002 MiMiMiMi, V. Špála Gallery, Malá Špálovka, Prague
2002 Another Lone Nut, Galerie Jelení, Prague
2000 Peak-a-boo, Ards Arts Centre, Newtownards, Belfast, North. Ireland
1998 500 MILES, Beardsmore Gallery, London, UK
1997 Pilot, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
1996 Shadow of Rhytms, Galerie Ruce, Prague

Group exhibitions

2005 Mezinárodní bienále současného umění, National Gallery, Prague
2002 20/20 as part of Depford X, London, UK
2002 IV. Biennial of Young Art Zvon 2002, Forum of Independent Galleries, House at the Golden Ring, GHMP, Prague
2001 How the West Has Won and Lost, Czech Centre, London, UK
2000 End of the World?, Kinský Palace, National Gallery, Prague
2000 How the West Has Won and Lost, Window Gallery, Prague
1999 99 CZ, Václavské nám. 13-15, Prague
1999 Chelsea School of Art MA Exhibition, Bagleys Lane, London, UK
1999 AVU Exhibition, Karolinum, Praha
1999 Galerie M, Berlin, DE
1998 Galerie MXM, Prague
1998 2 minuty, klub Bunkr, Prague
1998 The Whitechapel Open @ Canary Wharf, London, UK
1998 Reciprocita, Galéria Médium, Bratislava, SK
1997 Art in the Public Space, project of SCCA, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1997 AVU Exhibition, Mánes, Prague
1997 Galerie Na bidýlku, Brno
1996 AbstraHce, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
1996 Svárov 1996, Svárov
1995 AVU Exhibition, Mánes, Prague
1995 Festival of action art Malamut, Ostrava

Own texts

- Hirstpoda, in. Umělec 4/98, p.8
- Kdo letos vyhrál v Tate 20.000?, in. Umělec 2/98, p.7

Curatorial projects

1998 2 minuty, club Bunkr, Prague


Petr Pavlík, výstava Slepá ulička - Dead End, A.M.180, Praha, 2007. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, výstava Slepá ulička - Dead End, A.M.180, Praha, 2007. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, výstava Slepá ulička - Dead End, A.M.180, Praha, 2007. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, výstava Slepá ulička - Dead End, A.M.180, Praha, 2007. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, výstava Slepá ulička - Dead End, A.M.180, Praha, 2007. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, výstava Slepá ulička - Dead End, A.M.180, Praha, 2007. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, výstava MiMiMiMi, Galerie V. Špály, Malá Špálovka, Praha, 2002. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, výstava MiMiMiMi, Galerie V. Špály, Malá Špálovka, Praha, 2002. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, výstava MiMiMiMi, Galerie V. Špály, Malá Špálovka, Praha, 2002. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, How the West Has Won and Lost, České centrum, Londýn, UK, 2001. Foto: archiv Petra Pavlíka.

Petr Pavlík, How the West Has Won and Lost, Window Gallery, Praha, 2000. Foto: Martin Polák.

Petr Pavlík, How the West Has Won and Lost, Window Gallery, Praha, 2000. Foto: archiv Petra Pavlíka.

Petr Pavlík, Skautský Kung-Fu, Galerie MXM, Praha, 1998. Foto: archiv Petra Pavlíka.

Petr Pavlík, 2 minuty, klub Bunkr, Praha, 1998. Foto: archiv Petra Pavlíka.

Petr Pavlík, 2 minuty, klub Bunkr, Praha, 1998. Foto: archiv Petra Pavlíka.

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