Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Alena Kotzmannová

Place of birth
Lives and works
Key words
photography , video/film
Education / Fellowship

1992-98 VŠUP, Prague (Matasová, Adéla; Štecha, Pavel)
1997 Norwich School of Arts and Design, Norwich, UK
1998 Germinations X, Delphi, GR
2000 Heart Project, Helsinki, FI
2004 ISCP, New York, USA

Solo exhibitions

2007 Klasika, Galerie Šternberk, Šternberk
2006 Už to začíná, Old Town Hall, GHMP, Prague
2006 Underway, Czech Centre, New York, USA
2005 Diamond Valley, G99, Brno
2004 Cyclone, Galerie Jelení, Prague
2004 Certain Traces, S.C.A.P.E. Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
2004 AK Fotografie, Galerie XXL, Louny
2001 Konec filmu, Galerie 761 / Galerie Fiducia, Ostrava
2001 Cesta do háku, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
2001 Kyjev / Kiev (with Jiří David), Galerie MXM, Prague
2001 Konec filmu, Galerie 761 / Galerie Fiducia, Ostrava
2000 Heart project / House No. 9 (with Kanervo, Marja), Maankka, Helsinki, FI / metro station Palacké nám., Prague / Galerie Jelení, FCCA, Prague
1999 Temporary Person II., Palais Jalta, Frankfurt, DE
1998 V prvním patře, Galerie U bílého jednorožce, Klatovy/Klenová
1998 Začasna oseba, Križanke, Ljubljana, SI

Group exhibitions

2009 Cena J. Chalupeckého / Finalisté, 2009, DOX, Prague
2008 Současný český kubismus, GHMP, Prague
2008 Když jsem byl malej, hrál jsem si s holkama (retrospektiva Jiřího Kovandy), Galerie U Bílého jednorožce, Klatovy
2007 Sklerotická soused(ka), Fluss – Noe, Initiative für Foto und Medienkunst, Wolkersdorf, A
2007 PragueBiennale 3, Karlínská hala, Prague
2007 Facelit, A.I.R. Gallery, New York, USA
2007 HDP, GHMP, Městská knihovna, Prague
2007 Punctum, Galerie Futura, Prague
2006 Placing Sense, MUU Gallery, Helsinki, FI
2005 Cultural Domestication - Instinctual Desire, Universtiy of Toledo, Ohio, USA
2005 J. Chalupecký Award Finalists 2005, GHMP, Prague
2005 Imprese, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
2005 InterCity: Berlin - Prague, Mánes, Prague
2005 Czech Photography of the 20th Century, GHMP, Prague
2004 Insiders, DpzK, Brno / Futura, Prague
2004 Fotografie??, Dům U bílého jednorožce, Galerie Klatovy/Klenová / DpzK, Brno
2004 Jisté stopy, Dialog Praha-Los Angeles, Šípkárna, Prague / Certain Traces, Scape Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
2004 Armory Show, with Futura, New York, USA
2004 1. year of the Prize of J. Funke, exhibition of finalists, PHP, Prague
2004 Interkosmos, Galeria Raster, Warsaw, PL
2003 Kompression, Kolonie Wedding, Berlin-Wedding, DE
2003 Pal Fiction, Art Factory, Prague
2003 In/Out, project Divus, Praha-Bratislava-Budapest
2003 Survey 03, Futura, Prague
2003 Temporary Spaces, Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, DK
2003 Elektrobot, Galerie Home, Prague
2002 ...stalo se jedné noci, Galerie města Plzně, Plzeň
2002 IV. Biennial of Young Art Zvon 2002, House at the Stone Bell, GHMP, Prague
2002 Politik(um). New Engagement, project of FCCA, Prague Castle, Prague
2002 Die Station Sehnsucht (with Michal Pěchouček), Atelier Unsichtbar, in the framework of Wechselstube, Stuttgart, DE
2001 No Flash!, CCA Kyiv, UA
2001 Femme Fatale, F. Jenewein Gallery, Kutná Hora
2001 Vintage and Contemporary Czech Photography, SK Josefsberg Studio, Seattle / Benham Gallery, Portland, USA
2001 Fotok, MEO, Budapest, HU
2000 Transglobe, Mánes, Prague
2000 ÜberlebensKunst, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, DE
2000 Na volné téma…, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
2000 Jižní záležitost, Nová 1, České Budějovice
2000 II. Zlín Salon of the Young, State Gallery Zlín, Zlín
2000 Zdroje nového stylu, Prague Castle Riding Hall, Prague
2000 ÜberlebensKunst, Kulmbach, DE
2000 Videofashion, Galerie Eskort, Brno
2000 Dokouřeno, Mánes, Prague
2000 Story, Universal NoD, Prague
1999 Perplex, V. Špála Gallery, Prague
1999 Obyčejné pohádky, Galerie U bílého jednorožce, Galerie Klatovy/Klenová
1999 Junge Tschechische Kunst, Selb, DE
1999 Crossings, (additional program), Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
1999 Germinations X, Kultur- Elzenfeld, Antwerpen, BE
1999 99 CZ, Václavské nám. 13-15, Prague
1999 Vidiny, Universal NoD, Prague
1998 Body and Photography, Festival Foto Praha - Kolín, Municipal Museum, Kolín
1998 Dočasná osoba (with Mlynářová, Lucie), Archa Theatre, Prague
1998 Germinations X, European Projects for Young Artists, Factory, Athens, GR
1997 Art in Public Space, project of SCCA, Trade-fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1997 2. International Symposium, Galerie Klatovy/Klenová
1997 Fórum 2000, Archa Theatre, Prague

Texts / Publications

Catalogues, publications:
- Cena J. Chalupeckého Finále 2005, Praha 2005

Articles, reviews:
- Pospiszyl, Tomáš, V umění i stroje meditují, in. Týden, 11/2002
- From the journal of M.P., photograph: A.K., in. Umělec 4/02, p.72-73
- Slavická, Milena, Bienále počtvrté, in. Ateliér, 7/2002
- Brock, Sarah, Sleepwalking, in. The Prague Post, Jan. 24-30, 2001
- Jirousová, Věra, Věci v prostoru a pohyb mysli, in. Literární noviny, 17.1.2001
- Snodgrass, Susan, Report from Prague, in. Art in America, Apr. 2000
- Kivirinta, Marja-Terttu, Kanervo ja Kotzmannova, in. Helsingin Sanomat, 9.9.2000
- Brock, Sarah, Double Vision, in. The Prague Post, Mar. 22-28,2000
- Transplant-Heart, Helsinki, in. Flash Art, Oct. 1999
- Pospiszyl, Tomáš, The unliving art of immortality, in. Umělec 4/00, p.84-96
- Dunne, Aidan, Gloomy Young Europeans, in. The Irish Times, Nov. 3, 1998
- Adamic, Jefka Susej, Začasna oseba, in. Delo, 26.9.1998
- Lindaurová, Lenka, A. Kotzmannová, in. Umělec 5/97, s.22

record in ArtList database
materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups


Alena Kotzmannová, 193 mnm., DOX, 2009. Foto: Alena Kotzmannová.

Alena Kotzmannová, 193 mnm., DOX, 2009. Foto: Alena Kotzmannová.

Alena Kotzmannová, 193 mnm., DOX, 2009. Foto: Alena Kotzmannová.

Alena Kotzmannová, Famke, 1999, pohled do výstavy Insiders, Futura, 2005. Foto: archiv VVP AVU.

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