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Items at the section videoarchive VVP AVU beginning with letter T

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authortitleseřadit sestupně date
Jan Tabor Jak nevystavovat architekturu 19.3.2014
Viktor Takáč Situation no.1 2010
Avdei Ter-Oganian Barricade

A Collective Work of Artists and Political Activists
Avdej Ter-Oganian School of Performance 1997
Avdei Ter-Oganian World Champion Horst Ehbauer

Ready Made Performance
Avdei Ter-Oganian School of Contemporary Art

Licking Ass of Famous Artists and Curators (A. Osmolovskij)
Avdei Ter-Oganian Wedding. Stephanuskirche. 24. 05. 2005 01:31 - 01:59 2000
Avdei Ter-Oganian Barricade

used material from NTV news
David Ter-Oganyan Vitrína 2003
Avdey Ter-Oganyan Ehbauer

Horst Ehbauer ready made performance
Avdey Ter-Oganyan Wedding 2005
Avdei Ter-Oganyan Revolutionary sense of avant-garde 12.11.2012
Mark Ther M. C. a A. H. 2001
Mark Ther Otto und Garfield 1988
Mark Ther Handmade 2002
VVP AVU 2024