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Jiří Surůvka - News


Equal co-authorship: Jiří Surůvka


Classification: film/videoart


Date of creation: 2001


Duration: 00:07:59
Sound: Sound


Exhibited / Presented as part of: Začátek století
Compilation containing the work: The Beginning of the Century. B-movie, 2011.
Attachment included with work’s publication: booklet CZ/EN


Notes: Curated for the exhibition The Beginning of the Century (Západočeská galerie, Pilsen, 2012; Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě, Ostrava, 2014, curator Pavlina Morganová, "Video Cinema" in the exhibition).

Included in the compilation B-movie (edited by T. Nekvindová, S. Sobotovičová) - videoart on porno, horror, violence, bizarreness, warped sentiment, published in 2011 by the Research Centre of Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (VVP AVU) in cooperation with Divus.

Adopted synopsis, compilation B-movie, edice VIDA, VVP AVU:
The master of good fun in one of his comic performances. In the role of a serious newscaster, Jiří Surůvka shows various footage of his performances (e.g. in the role of Batman) and Ostrava happenings such as the Malamut festival or the Return of the Masters of Funs cabaret. His discussion partner is the Ostrava set designer and musician Marek Pražák. In place of the spoken work is the sound of crunching potato chips and becomes another performance from the video. In 2004 the curator František Kowolowski (in collaboration with David Možný) included the video in the Frisbee compilation. Contemporary Czech video art and new media.

Archived as .mp4 format (part of compilation The Beginning of the Century) and .VOB format (part of compilation B-movie, 2011).

Adopted text on the work: Videos of Jiří Surůvka almost completely efface the dividing line between a video performance and a documentary video recording of an art performance. Performance has been the artist’s key means of expression since the 1980s, so it was natural, given the availability of advancing technology, that he would begin to employ video.
Author of text: Pavlína Morganová


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