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Jan Brož - Halo (2)


Equal co-authorship: Jan Brož


Classification: film/videoart


Date of creation: 2010


Subject/theme/portrayed artist: Kazimir Malevich


Duration: 00:00:25
Sound: Silent


Compilation containing the work: He Who Laughs
Attachment included with work’s publication: booklet CZ/EN


Notes: Video directly connects to Halo by the same author. Both pieces are part of the DVD compilation He Who Laughs published by VVP AVU in 2013 (edited by Terezie Nekvindová a Sláva Sobotovičová).
Videoarchive VVP AVU also keeps Brož’s explanatory theoretical text.

Archived separately as .mov format.

Adopted text on the work: In 1936, Walter Benjamin declared that in the age of technical reproductions the aura of the original was dying. Forty years later, artists came up with the concept of appropriating existing artifacts. Jan Brož has not tried to appropriate Kazimir Malevich’s Black Square on a White Ground (1915), but instead aimed directly for its aura – its (in Benjamin’s view) technically elusive “halo”. Halo consists of two films: the first is a perfect virtual 3D animation based on amateur photographs downloaded from the internet; the second is a secret recording on color Super 8 film made at Moscow’s Tretyakov Gallery. In both parts, Brož distorts perspective using a dolly zoom, in which a zoom lens is used to change the field of view while the camera physically moves forward or back. As a result, the main subject stays in place while the background appears to move. The videos are accompanied by Brož’s explanatory theoretical text.
(synopsis translated from Czech to English by Stephan von Pohl)
Source of text: Edice VIDA 4, VVP AVU, 2013
Author of text: Terezie Nekvindová, Sláva Sobotovičová

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