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Jakub Nepraš - Interlinked Sediment



Equal co-authorship: Jakub Nepraš


Classification: film/videoart


Date of creation: 2009


Duration: 00:01:04
Sound: Sound


Notes: Technique: Videosculpture with sound
Duration: 2 minutes loop
Size: 80 x 60 x 50 cm

A video with real audio is projected into fragments of crafted stone, forming an animation inside a real piece of rock. Wandering particles are organized into a cyclic loop, an eternal loop within a fixed geological skin, an apparently permanent structure of solid matter that is in reality interwoven, as if every particle was coming into contact with all others at the same time.

New reality sometimes appears to be ephemeral. Illusion intertwines with reality. Information is now constantly being stored – deposited – in digital form for perpetuity. The principle of intangible digitalisation is also one that is most often employed in the transcription of this new reality. Active Sediment is a metaphor for my feelings and for what is happening around us. Just as information about an ancient event is recorded in a layer of rock, the digital reality of our era is ceaselessly being stored in some location. Everything we see, all that we come into contact with, is being passed on and has some kind of influence on the future. All that we emit bundles together to form a fertile layer, spawning further evolution. Thus for me even this apparently immaterial digital illusion constitutes a reality that is physically stored for eternity, as if in an active stratum. This is the sediment of our present era, of one stage of our superorganism’s natural development.

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