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Jakub Nepraš - Processes



Equal co-authorship: Jakub Nepraš


Classification: film/videoart -


Date of creation: 2009


Duration: 00:01:10
Sound: Sound


Notes: Technique: Videosculpture
Duration: 2 minutes loop
Size: 200 x 120 x 30 cm

The work Processes contemplates the frailty of values that change in the course of life. I created a lab remotely suggestive of a chemistry set with a lot of test tubes. Things that go on in this kind of places in general are hard to grasp for an outsider. Substances interact, alter, change color, condition, burn or even explode. This notion of a lab became the basis of Processes.

I recorded a number of sets, where values, normally incarnated in money, alter and interact in peculiar transparent containers. The containers are mouldings of served out everyday objects and give their shape (design) to further imagery (life). The plexi glass relief becomes a transparent skin, animated by the light imagery (the value phantoms).

Animation series run in different ways anti-clockwise. Values concerning what we usually call “wealth”(money) from the left, by means of filters, often natural, alter towards the right and evoke things like counting of buttons or spikes. At the end all of it gets lost in a dark whirl, where it’s hard to see what happens next. This is an allusion to the crisis we are going through. To me it seems to be a normal natural phenomenon.

My work is a study of the metamorphosis of values and priorities in life.

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VVP AVU 2024