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Jakub Nepraš - Ayahuasca

Full HD


Equal co-authorship: Jakub Nepraš


Classification: film/videoart


Date of creation: 2007


Duration: 00:02:00
Sound: Sound


Notes: Duration: 2 minutes loop
Dimensions: from 250 cm to 5 meters wide
Technique: videocollage, projection on plexi glass or on the wall.

“Ayahuasca’” as well as Cultures represents unknown organisms which, close-up, are full of microscopic life. As in society and natural systems, they are governed by an ordered hierarchy with central elements and circulation systems ensuring the supply of nutrients, much like the tissue that transport sap in plants, metabolism or the global market and the information exchange between the different functional parts of the interconnected community of our superorganism. For these video-collages I also used footage of works performed in Laterna Magika. The movements of the dancers represent a valuable spawning ground for the forthcoming noble phase of our superorganism’s development. I would like people to see my video-collages also as a metaphor for their own functioning within the community and to step back for a moment and see the overall structure.

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