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Jakub Nepraš - Auras of Communication

documentation - EXPO


Equal co-authorship: Jakub Nepraš


Classification: film/videoart -


Date of creation: 2010


Duration: 00:01:06
Sound: Sound


Notes: Technique: Videosculpture
10 minutes loop, 350 x 350 x 150 cm

The seemingly solitary islands of civilization are closely linked and communicate with each other. Many things carry around them a charged energy full of enigmatic emotions and other information that is not visible by the mere eye. These can even be auras whose existence is proven and even measurable particularly around living creatures.

The dynamic, albeit immobile assemblage of toys on the surface of the objects stylizes contemporary society. They create clusters similar to planets, cities or a segment of a closely bound atomic structure. On the whole they show principles or relations that are not apparent around us at first glance, but we know or feel that they have an important function. An example is the question of the presence of a major black whole in space or, for instance, the “unexplored” storage of information in the DNA code which apparently does not have a function. Nevertheless, the strength of a person’s thoughts plays an enormous role in the resulting intricate whole of natural relations. Sent thoughts, emotions and other energy mingle in society, react in this collective consciousness and then return like a boomerang.

Sign language symbolism is intentionally used in the installation for subliminal communication. It has a delayed dispersal as in nature. Each diffusing wave represents a single word that is related to the given theme.

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