Tuition at AVU

Employees of the AVU Academic Research Centre participate in the tuition of theoretical subjects on the Master’s and Doctoral programmes. Tuition is expanded by lectures and seminars closely related to ongoing research activities.

Czech art of the 20th century

Lecturer: PhDr. Pavlína Morganová, Ph.D.

This two-semester cycle of lectures familiarises students with the main currents of Czech art of the 20th century. Emphasis is laid on the most important developments and transformations, groups, and individuals on the Czech art scene. The lectures include presentations of research being carried out by the AVU Academic Research Centre into the most important source documents and texts relating to this period. Students should come away not only with a basic knowledge of the development of Czech art in the 20th century, but also its historical context. As well introducing students to the personalities of Czech art and analysing their works in detail, the lectures focus on the following topics: the beginnings of modern art, Czech cubism, the interwar avant-garde, groups formed during the Second World War, post-war art from 1945 to 1948, socialist realism, the unofficial scene of the 1950s and 60s, main currents during the 1960s and 70s, Czech informel, new figurativism, new sensitivity, conceptual art, normalisation and art of the grey zone, the arrival of postmodernism, and the period of transformation.

History and theory of art – Seminar III.
“art – space – architecture”

Lecturer: Mgr. Terezie Nekvindová., Ph.D.

A lecture cycle devoted to world and Czech art from the second half of the 20th century to the present day that focuses on manifestations of fine art on the borderline of art and architecture. Over recent years especially artists have been working more and more with architecture as a motif, as well as intervening in it and directly taking over the work of architects. They are attracted by the larger social impact architecture has and the possibility of working comprehensively with space. The lectures therefore also examine the form of the installation and the medium of the exhibition. Direct collaborations between artists and architects will also be discussed. During the cycle students will visit the studio of a selected Czech artist. Students are expected to participate actively at lectures, to write papers, and to read specified texts within the framework of seminars.

Introductory seminar

Lecturer: Mgr. Terezie Nekvindová, Ph.D.

The introductory seminar familiarises 1st year students with the school, its rules and possibilities. After being invited by the rector they are gradually provided with basic information regarding their study duties, foreign educational trips, scholarships, the opportunity to receive grants, etc. They also get to know the school and its buildings, including a visit to the library, technical department, archive, School of Architecture, Modern Gallery, the Šaloun studio for guest lecturers, the digital laboratory, etc. They are provided with basic information regarding the history of the school, set texts relating to art of the 20th century, and a manual on how to write an academic text. There will also be a discussion regarding their own presentation as an artist by means of a portfolio. At least 80% attendance and the creation of their own portfolio is necessary if a student is to receive a credit.

VVP AVU 2025