The VIDA series

The VIDA series was created in 2011 to publish thematic selections from the AVU Research Centre video archive.

6 March 2013 / B-Movie / Brno / House of Arts, Brna

DVD B-Movie shown as part of the exhibition Hi5! (curated by Barbora Šedivá and Slaven Tolj).

5 December 2012 / HE WHO LAUGHS / Olomouc / Art Centre

HE WHO LAUGHS. Art on the World of Art + bonus Death in Coal (1998) by Vít Soukup

Plakát k projekci

The evening included the screening of a “meta” video, a work of art examining the art world and winding its way through the terrain circumscribed by art history. The commentary on a well known environment and the dialogue with “predecessors” by means of quotation or the appropriation of their works sometimes comes across as a soliloquy, at other times like a profound meditation. Artists come to terms with the burden of the canon through sarcastic comments, recipes for success, and reflections upon real-life experience. They mythify themselves or, on the contrary, ironise the tortuous nature of their own ambitions. It is impossible to say who has the last laugh and who laughs the most.

Artists represented: Jesper Alvaer, Adéla Babanová, Ondřej Brody amd Kristofer Paetau, Jan Brož, Vladimír Havlík, Anetta Mona Chişa and Lucia Tkáčová, Zuzana Krkošková, František Lozinski o. p. s., Ján Mančuška, Marek Meduna, Michal Pěchouček, Rafani, Miloš Šejn and Pavel Švec.

Curators: Terezie Nekvindová and Sláva Sobotovičová

Film theatre of the Convict Arts Centre in Olomouc, Univerzitní 3
Organiser: VITRÍNA DENISKA and Pastiche Filmz

30 October 2012 / HE WHO LAUGHS / Prague / festival 4 + 4 days in motion

HE WHO LAUGHS. Art on the World of Art


Jesper Alvaer, záběr z videa You Shouldn't See Me Like This, 1998

Jesper Alvaer, You Shouldn’t See Me Like This, 1998

The evening included the screening of a “meta” video, a work of art examining the art world and winding its way through the terrain circumscribed by art history. The commentary on a well known environment and the dialogue with “predecessors” by means of quotation or the appropriation of their works sometimes comes across as a soliloquy, at other times like a profound meditation. Artists come to terms with the burden of the canon through sarcastic comments, recipes for success, and reflections upon real-life experience. They mythify themselves or, on the contrary, ironise the tortuous nature of their own ambitions. It is impossible to say who has the last laugh and who laughs the most.

Artists represented: Jesper Alvaer, Adéla Babanová, Ondřej Brody amd Kristofer Paetau, Jan Brož, Vladimír Havlík, Anetta Mona Chişa and Lucia Tkáčová, Zuzana Krkošková, František Lozinski o. p. s., Ján Mančuška, Marek Meduna, Michal Pěchouček, Rafani, Miloš Šejn and Pavel Švec.

Curators: Terezie Nekvindová and Sláva Sobotovičová

former Casino, Pařížská 25, Prague 1
as part of the 4+4 DAYS IN MOTION International Festival of Contemporary Art

29 September 2012 / B-MOVIE / Mladá Boleslav / Unconventional Film Festival

DVD B-MOVIE screened at the Unconventional Film Festival (Mladá Boleslav, 27 – 29 September 2012), focusing on nakedness and sexuality in art and the media.

24 May 2012 / VÍT SOUKUP / Pilsen / Popojedem coffee bar

The painter Vít Soukup (1971–2007) was also interested in the moving picture. He shot a series of films characterised by exaggeration. In order to recount seemingly banal stories he used the methods of B-movies and silent American slapstick comedies. The screening is a tribute to an important figure in Czech art at the turn of the millennium. The digitalised films by Vít Soukup are from the video archive of the AVU Research Centre for a VIDA DVD being prepared. This was shown at a festival of contemporary art entitled The Beginnings of the Century in Public Space (curated by Denisa Václavová) as part of the exhibition The Beginnings of the Century at the West Bohemia Gallery in Plzeň (curated by Pavlína Morganová).

Introduced by: Terezie Nekvindová and Sláva Sobotovičová

8 May 2012 / THE STARTING POINT CAN BE ZERO, and B-MOVIE (A SELECTION) / Prague / Divus Prager Kabarett

A screening of a selection from the compilations The Starting Point Can Be Zero and B-Movie for summer school students being taught by Paul and Dinah Ryan (Department of Art and Art History, Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, USA).

Introduced by Sláva Sobotovičová.

23 February 2012 / B-MOVIE / Bucharest, Romania / Czech Centre

Two evenings entitled The Best of Czech Video Art (1997–2011), at which the Vida DVDs The Starting Point Can Be Zero and B-Movie were presented at the Czech Centre, Bucharest.

Introduced by: Terezie Nekvindová and Sláva Sobotovičová


Uvedení projekce (s ředitelem Českého centra Bukurešť René Kubáškem)

Uvedení projekce (s ředitelem Českého centra Bukurešť René Kubáškem)

Uvedení projekce (s ředitelem Českého centra Bukurešť René Kubáškem)

Uvedení projekce

Uvedení projekce (s ředitelem Českého centra Bukurešť René Kubáškem)

5 April – 17 June 2012 / THE STARTING POINT CAN BE ZERO / Cheb / Fine Art Gallery

A screening of the DVD The Starting Point Can Be Zero ( in the video room on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Fine Art Gallery .

Pozvánka na výstavy v GAVU, duben 2012

7 December 2011 / B-MOVIE / Olomouc / Arts Centre

Horror – Porno – Bizarreness – Violence – Warped Sentiment

Plakát k projekci

An evening of videos in which the main selection criteria are tension, humour and entertainment. The aesthetic of B-movies on the boundaries of taste. A risqué programme from the AVU Academic Research video archive.

Introduced by the curators Terezie Nekvindová and Sláva Sobotovičová with Roman Štětina.

Artists represented: Vasil Artamonov/Alexej Klyuykov, Zbyněk Baladrán, Daniela Baráčková, Ondřej Brody, András Cséfalvay, Jiří David, Ester Geislerová-Kadlecová, Jan Kadlec, Barbora Kleinhamplová, Marius Konvoj, Zuzana Krkošková, I love 69 popgeju,

Eva Jiřička, Petra Pětiletá, Rafani, Patrick Sedlaczek, Pavla Sceranková, Dušan Skala, Petr Skala, Matěj Smetana, Jiří Surůvka, Pavel Sterec, Petr Strouhal, Jan Šerých, Roman Štětina, Marek Ther

A DVD presentation from the VIDA series.

Organised in the film theatre of the Konvikt Arts Centre, Olomouc, by VITRÍNA DENISKA and Pastiche Filmz.

Terezie Nekvindová, Sláva Sobotovičová and Roman Štětina introduce the screening

Terezie Nekvindová, Sláva Sobotovičová and Roman Štětina introduce the screening

Roman Štětina talks about his film The Murderer Hides His Face (2010).

Roman Štětina talks about his film The Murderer Hides His Face (2010).

21 October 2011/ B-MOVIE / Prague / festival 4+4 days in motion

Horror – Porno – Bizarreness – Violence – Warped Sentiment

Matěj Smetana, It’s Only a Film, 2004, taken from the video

Matěj Smetana, It’s Only a Film, 2004, taken from the video

An evening of videos in which the main selection criteria are tension, humour and entertainment. The aesthetic of B-movies on the boundaries of taste. A risqué programme from the AVU Academic Research video archive.

Artists represented: Vasil Artamonov/Alexej Klyuykov, Adéla Babanova, Zbyněk Baladrán, Daniela Baráčková, Ondřej Brody, András Cséfalvay, Jiří David, Ester Geislerová, Jan Kadlec, Zuzana Krkošková, I love 69 Pop Gejů, Eva Jiřička, Pavel Pernický, Petra Pětiletá, Rafani, Patrick Sedlaczek, Pavla Sceranková, Dušan Skala, Petr Skala, Matěj Smetana, Jiří Surůvka, Pavel Sterec, Petr Strouhal, Jan Šerých, Roman Štětina, Marek Ther, Ladislav Vondrák

Curators: Terezie Nekvindová and Sláva Sobotovičová

Premiere of a DVD from the VIDA series.

International festival of contemporary art 4+4 days in motion
Prague 1, for the former Centre for Folk Art Production (ÚLUV), Národní 36

2 May 2011 / THE STARTING POINT CAN BE ZERO / Prague / Divus Prager Kabarett

A presentation of the compilation The Starting Point Can Be Zero for summer school students of the lecturers Paul and Dinah Ryan (Department of Art and Art History, Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, USA).

Introduced by Sláva Sobotovičová.

22 March 2011 / THE STARTING POINT CAN BE ZERO / Olomouc / Art Centre

Videos on the topic of space, architecture and urbanism

Plakát k projekci


Artists represented: Zbyněk Baladrán, Daniela Baráčková, Jan Fabián, Pavla Gajdošíková, David Kopecký, Eva Koťátková, Ján Mančuška, David Možný, Kryštof Pešek, Jan Pfeiffer, Daniel Pitín, Pavla Sceranková, Christoph Srb, Ivan Svoboda, Tomáš Svoboda, Tomáš Vaněk, Vojtěch Vaněk, Kateřina Zochová

Curators: Terezie Nekvindová and Sláva Sobotovičová

Film theatre of the Konvikt Art Centre, Olomouc.
Organisers: the organisation For a Beautiful Olomouc and Pastiche Films.

A presentation of the DVD The Starting Point Can Be Zero from the VIDA series issued in cooperation with the Divus publishing house,

18 October 2010 / THE STARTING POINT CAN BE ZERO / Prague / festival 4 + 4 days in motion

Videos on the topic of space, architecture and urbanism

Video by Pavla Gajdošíková 1147 address from 2010

Video by Pavla Gajdošíková 1147 address from 2010

We all need to define our own place in the world and to demarcate our own space. By organising chaos and defining reference points to which we relate and that are the measure of things, we create our own identity. To a large degree architecture defines our lived space. Contemporary artists address architecture head on or see it as a natural part of their own space and the existential experience thereof.

Artists represented: Zbyněk Baladrán, Daniela Baráčková, Jiří Černický, Jan Fabián, Pavla Gajdošíková, David Kopecký, Eva Koťátková, Ján Mančuška, David Možný, Jan Pfeiffer, Daniel Pitín, Pavla Sceranková, Christoph Srb, Ivan Svoboda, Tomáš Svoboda, Tomáš Vaněk, Vojtěch Vaněk, Kateřina Zochová

Curators: Terezie Nekvindová and Sláva Sobotovičová.

Premiere of a DVD from the VIDA series.

International Festival of Contemporary Art 4+4 Days in Motion
Prague 1, for the former Centre for Folk Art Production (ÚLUV), Národní

Text by Radim Měsíc on the selection The Starting Point Can Be Zero:

VVP AVU 2025