Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Lives and works

Milan Guštar, Pavel Rejholec, Jan Stehlík, Petr Svárovský

Key words
new media
Solo exhibitions

2000 Bohemia Birds, Kunsthaus Dresden, Dresden, DE
1996 Shadows of Flames/Stíny plamenů, Staroměstská radnice, GHMP, Prague

Group exhibitions

1998 Současné umění. Contemporary Collection - Czech Art in the ´90s, House at the Golden Ring, GHMP, Prague
1998 Snížený rozpočet, Mánes, Prague
1997 Biennale Selestat ´97, D.M.O.C., Selestat, FR
1997 Art in the Public Space, project of SCCA, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1996 Hi-Tech/Umění; Symptomy, DUMB, Brno
1996 Jitro kouzelníků, Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery, Prague
1996 Interiér vs. exteriér, Kosmos factory, Bratislava, SK
1995 Orbis Fictus, project of SCCA, Wallenstein Riding Hall, National Gallery, Prague
1995 Kunst im Werk, Siemens, Amberg, DE
1995 Hermit´95, Křížení poledníků, monastery in Plasy
1995 Zkušební provoz, Mánes, Prague
1995 Festival FAMU, Archa Theatre, Prague
1994 I. Biennial of Young Art Zvon´94, House at the Stone Bell, GHMP, Prague
1994 Hermit´94, Průhledný posel, monastery in Plasy

Texts / Publications

Catalogues, publications:
- Karel Srp (ed.), Silver: Shadows of Flames / Stíny plamenů, GHMP, Prague 1996 (texts Silver, Marta Smolíková, Karel Srp, Miloš Vojtěchovský)
- Contemporary Collection - Czech Art in the ´90s, GHMP, Prague 1998 (texts Olga Malá, Miroslav Petříček jr., Karel Srp)

Articles, reviews:
- Jiří Zemánek, Sirénés Petra Svárovského, in. Ateliér 6/1993, n. 25, p. 5
- Marta Smolíková, Virtuální fiktivní realita (interview with Silverem), in. Ateliér 10/1997, n. 2, p. 12
- Vít Havránek, Silver a stíny plamenů, in. Ateliér 10/1997, n. 2, p. 12

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