Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Volné seskupení 12/15 Pozdě, ale přece


Jiří Beránek, Václav Bláha, Jaroslav Dvořák, Kurt Gebauer, Ivan Kafka, Jiří Načeradský (since 1988), Vladimír Novák, Ivan Ouhel, Petr Pavlík, Michael Rittstein, Jiří Sopko (since 1990), Tomáš Švéda

Texts / Publications

- 12/12, katalog volného seskupení, koncepce katalogu Ivan Kafka, Odbor školství a kultury, Praha 1988.
- Ivan Neumann (ed.), 12/15 český globus, skupina 12/15 pozdě ale přece, Národní galerie v Praze, 1991. B17936

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