Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Michal Kalhous

Place of birth
Valašské Meziříčí
Lives and works
Šternberk, Ostrava
Key words
Education / Fellowship

1990-1995 Philosophical Faculty UP, Olomouc
1985-1990 Faculty of Science UP, Olomouc

Solo exhibitions

2006 36, Olomouc (with Martin Horák)
2006 Hra na harfu to není, A.M.180, Prague
2006 Zemní práce, Sokolská 26, Ostrava
2005 Kladky, Ateliér Josefa Sudka, Prague
2005 Nemaluju, Moravská galerie, Brno
2005 Galerie Jiřího Jílka, Šumperk 2004 Galerie Fiducia, Ostrava
2004 Dům umění, České Budějovice
2004 Galerie E. Filly, Ústí nad Labem
2003 Divadlo hudby, Olomouc
2002 Galerie V. Špály, Prague
2000 Galerie 761, Ostrava
2000 Galerie U rudého vola, Brno
1999 Galerie MXM, Prague
1997 Galerie Velryba, Prague
1996 Galerie Metro 70, Prostějov
1996 Minikinokavárna, Ostrava
1996 Galerie Fiducia, Ostrava 1995 Divadlo hudby, Olomouc

Group exhibitions

2006 I don´t wanna talk, Petrozavodsk, RUS
2006 Land locked (New photography and video from the Czech republic), Well Gallery, College of Communication, Londýn, UK
2005 Fotografie ... ??, DpzK, Brno
2004 Fotografie ... ??, Galerie Klatovy/Klenová, Klatovy
2003 Wunderland, Hornické muzeum Landek, Ostrava
2003 Čeští autsajdři, Dům slezské kultury, Katovice, PL
2003 Wunderland, Muzeum těžby, Kiruna, SE
2002 Cheb
2002 Čeští autsajdři,Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, PL
2002 Bienále mladých Zvon, GHMP, Dům U Kamenného zvonu
2002 ICING, Galerie V. Špály, Praha
2001 Kolmo k ose II., Dům umění, Opava
2001 ICING, Dunajvarosz, HU
2001 Galerie V. Löffevra, Košice, SK
2000 Vidiny, NoD, Prague
2000 Pocta Důl Michal, Důl Michal, Ostrava
1999 Animal Art – Práce pro místo, Galerie Sýpka, Vlkov u Brna
1999 Akční Praha, Roxy, Prague
1999 NoD, Prague
1999 Ostrava v Ústí, Ústí nad Labem
1999 II. Nový zlínský salon, KGVU, Dům umění, Zlín
1998 Ostrava umjeni...?,Dům umění, Ostrava
1998 Ostrava umjeni...? Mánes, Prague
1997 Snížený rozpočet, Mánes, Prague
1997 I. Zlínský salon mladých, KGVU, Dům umění, Zlín
1995 Zkušební provoz, Mánes, Prague

Curatorial projects

2001 - 2006 Šternberk Gallery, curator

Pedagogical activity

since 2006 Institute for Artistic Studies, University of Ostrava, lecturer

Texts / Publications

Articles, reviews:
- Vančát, Pavel, Inteligentní fotografie, in. Umělec 2/04, p.88-89

materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups


Michal Kalhous. Foto: archiv VVP AVU.

Ganymedes, 2006, fomaspeed, 75x108 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 2005, fomaspeed, 75x108 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 2005, fomaspeed, 75x108 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 2004, fomaspeed, 108x150 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 2004, fomaspeed, 75x108 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 2004, fomaspeed, 75x108 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Výstava Michala Kalhouse, Galerie 761, Ostrava, 2000. Foto: archiv René Rohana.

Bez názvu, 1997, fomaspeed, 108x150 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 1996, fomaspeed, 108x150 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 1996, fomaspeed, 108x150 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 1996, fomaspeed, 75x108 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 1996, fomaspeed, 50x60 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 1996, fomaspeed, 50x60 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 1995, fomaspeed, 75x108 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

Bez názvu, 1995, fomaspeed, 50x60 cm. Foto: Michal Kalhous.

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