Archive of Artists

Archive of Artists

The archive of artists at the AVU Research Centre consists of collections of several Czech artists‘ portfolios. It was created in connection with the i-datum contemporary Czech art database project and it is expanding as part of a research project documenting Czech art from the 1980s to the present.

It contains original texts by artists, curators, and theoreticians, as well as press releases, exhibition reviews, and other texts (essays and critical documents, etc.). The overall context is supplemented by additional printed material, such as invitations, posters, etc.

It offers cross-sectional photo documentation of art works and the documentation of exhibitions (see the audiovisual archive).

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Kateřina Šedá

Place of birth
Lives and works
Brno-Líšeň, Prague
Key words
video/film , performance
Education / Fellowship

1999-2005 AVU, Prague (Vladimír Kokolia)


2005 Cena J. Chalupeckého (winner)
2005 Essl Award
2005 Start Point (finalist)

Solo exhibitions

2007 Každej pes jiná ves, Moravská galerie, Pražákův palác – Atrium, Brno
2007 Synonyma, Index and tranzit collaboration: Katerina Seda (+ Fritz Quasthoff), Index, Stockholm, SE
2007 1+1, Galerie Arratia/Beer, Berlin, DE
2007 Vnučka, České centrum, New York, USA
2006 Kateřina Šedá *1977, etc. galerie, Prague
2006 Kateřina Šedá, Dělňák Líšeň, Brno-Líšeň
2006 Kateřina Šedá x 3, Franco Soffiantino Arte Contemporanea Gallery, Torino, IT
2006 Arrivals > Czech republic, Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, UK

Group exhibitions

2007 All Dressed Up With Nowhere To Go, tranzitdisplay, Prague
2007 Politiky přátelství, Galerie Šternberk, Šternberk
2007 Documenta 12, Aue pavilon, Kassel, DE
2007 Facelift: 3 Contemporary Czech and Slovak artist, A. I. R. Gallery, New York, USA
2007 As In Real Life, Gallery P 74, Ljubljana, SLO
2007 tranzit – Auditorium, Stage, backstage, An Exposure In 32 Acts, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, DE
2006 Pozval jsem pár přátel, aby se přišli podívat, Galerija Nova / Galerija M. Kraljevič, Zagreb, HR
2006 Gray Zones, DUMB, Brno / Galerie für Zeitgonössische Kunst, Leipzig, DE
2006 Shadows of Humor, Galerie BWA, Wroclaw, PL
2006 Local Stories, Modern Art Oxford, UK
2005 1811197804122005, Plan B, Cluj, RO
2005 Finalisté Ceny J. Chalupeckého, GHMP, Prague
2005 Hotspots&Essl Award, Sammlung Essl, Vienna, AT
2005 The one, New General katalog 224, New York, USA
2005 Diplomanti AVU, Národní galerie, Veletržní palác, Prague
2005 Praguebiennale 2, Karlín Hall, Prague
2005 Essl Award, Moderní galerie AVU, Prague
2005 V. bienále mladého umění Zvon 2005, GHMP, Prague
2003 281 m2, Galerie V. Špály, Prague
2003 Dům umění, DUMB, Brno
2002 Ticho prosím! Maluji, Galerie U Prstenu, Prague

Projects / Actions

2006 – 2007 Granddaughter
2005 It Doesn´t Matter
2005 Gray Commitee
2004 Parenting
2003 There´s Nothing There
2002 Quiet, Please! I´m Painting
2001 Window Exhibition
2000 Homeless Man
1999 Egg-counting Book
1999 Nose-blowing Book
1999 Toothbrush Drawings
1999 Axe Drawings
1999 Iron Drawings
1999 Vacuum-cleaner Drawings
1999 Sleeping on Tombs
1999 Throwing Peas at a Wall
1999 Fences
1999 Wayside Cross for Ants

Texts / Publications

Catalogues, publications:
- Je to jedno / It doesn´t matter, Praha 2006
- Nic tam není, catalogue of the project, Praha 2005
- Nic tam není, booklet-poster, tranzit, Praha 2005

Articles, reviews:
- Normální věci Kateřiny Šedé, interview by Klusáková, Jana, in. Labyrint 17-18/2005, p.86-95

materials stored in the AVU Research Centre's archive of artists/groups


Je to jedno, 2005, kresba autorčiny babičky

Je to jedno, 2005, videostill

Opičení po otci, 2005, videostill

Výchova dítěte (Dítě u stolu), 2005, videostill

Nic tam není, 2003, videostill

Nic tam není, 2003, videostill

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